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LARRP Meeting July 24, 2010

September 4, 2009

LARRP will hold its Annual Members Meeting on July 24, 2010.

GNARP will hold several meetings at ALA Midwinter in Boston, MA in January 2010:GNARP Steering Committee Meeting, Friday, January 15  at 4-5:30 pm at the Boston Park Plaza Hotel in the Constitution Room.GNARP Collection Development Working Group Meeting, Saturday, January 16 at 10:30 am – 12 noon at the Boston Park Plaza Hotel in the White Hill Room.GNARP Librarian Exchange Working Group Meeting, Saturday, January 16 at 1:30 – 3:30 pm at the Boston Park Plaza Hotel in the White Hill Room.

CIFNAL will hold a meeting Sunday, January 19, 2010 at 8-10 am at the Boston Park Plaza Hotel in the Hancock Room in association with the ALA Midwinter Meeting in Boston, MA. 

The next meeting of the Southeast Asia Microform Project (SEAM) will be held Wednesday, March 24, 2010 at 6:30-8:30 pm in Room 304 at the Philadelphia Marriott Downtown during the Association for Asian Studies annual conference.For more information, visit SEAM's home page.

The next meeting of the South Asia Microform Project (SAMP) will be held Friday, March 26, 2010 at 7-9 pm in Room 502 of the Philadelphia Marriott Downtown during the Association for Asian Studies annual meeting. For more information, please visit SAMP's Web page.

Collaborative preservation project with the National Library of Vietnam

SEEMP is filming Oslobođenje (Sarajevo, Bosnia and Hercegovina) and seeks issues from 2005.

Digitization surpasses 625,000 pages.

Access is now available to the pre-launch edition of American Periodicals from the Center for Research Libraries. ProQuest has arranged for a special product preview for CRL members.

The Southeast Asia Microform Project (SEAM) announces the availability of a complete run of the Philippine Star for the period July 28, 1986–Dec 31, 2007. This national daily was founded in 1986 in the wake of the EDSA revolution, and is now one of the highest circulating titles in the Philippines.For more details, see the CRL catalog record for this title.

Latin American Newspapers approaches 50% completion; member access fees begin July 1, 2009.

The Librarian Exchange Working Group (LEWG) of the German-North American Resources Partnership (GNARP) has surveyed GNARP's members to make available a list of North American research institutions that are willing to host library interns from German-speaking countries.  Results of the survey of of internship opportunities are available online here.

In accordance with a recently signed memorandum of understanding between CIFNAL and the Digital Library of the Caribbean (, the goal of this project is to work together to improve and increase electronic access to francophone documents. These may represent collections located in the French Caribbean or collections located outside of the French Caribbean with a focus on this region.

The Latin American Microform Project (LAMP) has completed filming of rare Paraguayan newspapers from the collection of the University of Connecticut. The four titles (La Opinión, La Patria, El Pueblo, and La Unión) were published in Asunción in the 1890s, during the early days of rule by the Partido Colorado (founded in 1887). The papers represent the divergent opinions of the two dominant political parties during the first Colorado Era.

With the expanding geographic reach of CRL's membership, engaging member institutions in our governance is a growing challenge. This year members will participate in a webinar to elect new CRL Board members and review the proposed annual budget.

Thank you to all the members who participated! CRL's entire membership benefits from your contributions.

The Bodleian Library of Commonwealth & African Studies at Rhodes House is the newest international member of the Cooperative Africana Microform Project (CAMP). International membership allows institutions abroad to access CAMP’s microfilm collections (provided they support the costs of shipping).

Librarians and library staff from CRL member institutions are invited to participate in a CRL collections and facility tour during the ALA Annual Conference in Chicago in July.

Latin American Newspapers, the initial collection in the World Newspaper Archive (WNA) now contains four titles for searching and browsing. In addition to the first-released Mercurio from Chile, we now have available an extensive run of O Estado de Sao Paulo (1876-1914).

Effective January 1, 2009, Monash University is the newest contributing member of the Global Resources Network. Monash joins CRL member institutions and supporters of the Network in the collaborative effort to expand and enhance access to international scholarly resources.