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The current issue (V11N4) features new reviews of electronic resources for libraries.

Eighteen libraries contributed to this year’s purchase of four major microfilm sets.

The African Newspapers module of the World Newspaper Archive now includes over 25 titles and more than half of the projected page total.

Seven Liberian newspapers from the collection of Michigan State University have been microfilmed by CAMP.

Articles from American Periodicals from the Center for Research Libraries (APCRL) are now indexed in the latest release of C19: The Nineteenth Century Index, available from ProQuest.

CRL makes a change in access to UK dissertations.

This new catalog shows users what is in the CRL JSTOR print archive and what is still needed.

Four collections have been announced as possibilities for purchase on this year’s Shared Purchase ballot.

The Center for Research Libraries will purchase several new items for this year’s Purchase Proposal Program, with a total list price value of $172,674.

CIFNAL announces that one stipend of $ 1,000 will be made available to attend the 2010 IFLA Conference in Gothenburg, Sweden.

Spring 2010 CAMP Meeting

February 9, 2010

The Spring 2010 CAMP meeting will be held on Saturday, April 17, in conjunction with the Africana Librarians Council meeting in Lawrence, Kansas.

MEMP Acquires al-Nur

February 5, 2010

The Middle East Microform Project has microfilmed 2001–08 issues of the Syrian newspaper al-Nur. This title from Damascus was provided by Yale University.

Included in the collection are La Semana from Colombia and Publicaciones del Archivo Histórico de la Provincia de Buenos Aires from Argentina.

Congo Newspapers Microfilmed

February 5, 2010

The Cooperative Africana Microform Project has completed microfilming a collection of 166 newspapers from Congo. The Library of Congress office in Nairobi issues collected the issues, which include such titles as La Bourse, Mukuba, and Umoja.

This proposal outlines a cooperative approach to archiving print journals, newspapers, and government documents in North American collections.

CRL Releases Portico Audit

January 29, 2010

CRL’s preservation audit marks the first public disclosure of a digital certification review conducted by an independent entity.

The preliminary release for World Newspaper Archive–African Newspapers, which contains 13 titles with approximately 85,000 pages, is now available for preview.

The current issue (V11N3) features new reviews of electronic resources for libraries.

Sign up for CRL Connect

January 15, 2010

CRL announces its new e-mail update.

The collection features such titles as Novo Correio de Modas (1852–54), O Sexo Feminino (1873–89), and A Mai de Familia (Jan 1879–Dec 1888).