2025 CRL Council of Voting Members Meeting

Save the date: 2025 CRL Annual Meeting, May 20-21, 2025 at Hyatt Regency Chicago

Event Logistics

Tuesday, May 20, 2025 to Wednesday, May 21, 2025
Hyatt Regency Chicago
Jen Jenkins - jjenkins@crl.edu

Save the date! On May 20–21, 2025, the CRL community will come together in the annual convening of the Council of Voting Members. The Council of Voting Members meeting plays a critical role in the CRL governance structure. During this annual convening, colleagues from across the CRL community will assess the state of the cooperative and shape its future directions. 

Meeting Location

Hyatt Regency Chicago
151 East Wacker Drive
Chicago, IL 60601

More information about the meeting will be forthcoming. For information about past meetings, click here

The Impact of CRL

Stories illustrating CRL’s impact on research, teaching, collection building and preservation.

CRL and Linda Hall Library partnership brings history of science to researchers' fingertips

Ben Gibson, Digital Initiatives Manager at the Linda Hall Library, discusses the fruits of the library's digitization projects with CRL.

Vanderbilt University digitizes Afro-Colombian oral histories with LARRP grant

The pilot project digitized tapes of interviews conducted by anthropologist, novelist, folklorist, and physician Manuel Zapata Olivella, often dubbed the “dean of Black Hispanic writers.”