CRL acquires material in any format (microform, newspaper, serials, and government documents) through the Library of Congress Cooperative Acquisitions Program and other vendors. The materials have been published many countries including China, Japan, Vietnam, Indonesia, Thailand, and others. CRL supports SEAM (Southeast Asia Materials Project) with its preservation and digital activities. SEAM holdings include more than 300 historic newspapers from every country in the region, in a variety of languages: national, minority, and English or other colonial languages. These collections also include similar numbers of historic journals and government serials and thousands of historic manuscripts. STEAM fields are well presented in CRL’s collection of Asian materials.
1.) You can filter the CRL catalog on the right side for "Global Resources Program", then select SEAM. Or you can search in "All fields" or use the "CRL Key Collection."
Under "Narrow Search (set Limits/filter)": "Format," "Genre," or any other filter.
The second option is:
In the search box at the top of the page, search for author, subject, or a title. Once you obtain your search results, you can narrow your search further.