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Digital Collections

Digital Collections Highlights

Brazilian Government Documents

Executive branch serial documents issued by Brazil’s national government between 1821 and 1993, and by its provincial governments from the earliest available to the end of the first Republic in 1930.

Andrew W. Mellon Foundation funded CRL and the Latin American Materials Project (LAMP) to scan and index nearly 600,000 pages of executive branch serial documents issued by Brazil’s national government.

The project also digitized the pre-Republic Almanak Administrativo, Mercantil e Industrial (“Almanak Laemmert”).

Sajjad Zaheer and Razia Sajjad Zaheer archives.

Collection of material by and about Sajjad Zahir and Raziyyah Sajjad Zahir, including correspondence, newspaper articles, notes, manuscripts, books, photographs, and miscellaneous materials.

Created as part of a collaboration between the Sajjad Zahir family, Ambedkar University Delhi, the University of Texas of Austin, and the South Asia Materials Project of the Center for Research Libraries.

Historical botanical illustrations preserved at East African Herbarium in Nairobi, Kenya

Collection of over 1500 plant species illustrations dating back to 1929 held by East African Herbarium in Nairobi, Kenya, and digitized by them, 2018-2019.

The botanical illustrations are quite unique.

Created as part of a collaboration between the Cooperative Africana (CAMP) Materials Project of the Center for Research Libraries and National Museums of Kenya.

About Collections

Collecting Areas

CRL collects and shares a diverse range of rare and unique materials with researchers.

Demand Purchase Program

To meet scholars’ individual research needs, CRL purchases Doctoral Dissertations, Newspapers, Archival material on request.

Shared Print

Shared print is a movement in which libraries work together on a coordinated, community-wide effort to preserve print collections through collective action.


TRAIL identifies, acquires, catalogs, digitizes, and provides free access to U.S. government technical reports, preserving valuable scientific and technological literature.