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SEAM Guides to Collections

This page highlights important elements of the SEAM collection.  It does not represent the complete holdings of SEAM, but is rather a representative description of some of the items of the collection.  For access to all of SEAM's holdings, please search the CRL Catalog.


India Office Records [1861-1936]

SEAM holds records from the India Office Library relating to the colonial administration of Burma.  These files include:

Annual Report on the Administration of Province of British Burmah for the year...
Catalog Record
Burma General Proceedings, 1900-1916
Catalog Record
Burma Home Proceedings, 1871-1899
Catalog Record
Burma Legislative Council Debates, 1923-1929 
Catalog Record
Miscellaneous Official Publications on Burma 
Catalog Record
Burma Finance and Commerce Proceedings, 1885-1899 
Catalog Record
Burma Foreign & Political Proceedings, 1884-1899 
Catalog Record


Cambodian Election Materials, 1992-1993

Dr. Stephen Heder served as Deputy Director of the United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia (UNTAC), Information Education Division.  Over the course of his tenure, he collected materials relating to the organization and management of local elections in Cambodia.  The material has been preserved on 595 microfiche. 
Catalog Record  Guide

Cambodia National Library Manuscripts

Buddhist literature in Khmer and Pali.
Catalog Record  Guide

Cambodia National Museum Manscripts

Buddhist and Khmer literature held in the library of the Cambodia National Museum.  
Catalog Record  Guide

Documentation Center of Cambodia - Khmer Rouge Top Secret (S-21) Santebal Archives

SEAM contributed funds for a cooperative project with Yale and Cornell Universities to film secret police documents of the Khmer Rouge.  The archives document the process of repression, terror, and extermination of civilians and leaders in the capital and countryside of Cambodia (1975-79).
Catalog Record  Documentation Center of Cambodia


Indonesian Microfilming Projects

Over several years, SEAM collaborated closely with the Ford Foundation to microfilm several Indonesian manuscript collections and newspapers.

Indonesian Archaeological Photographs

Photo collection of the National Research Centre of Archaeology of the Republic of Indonesia, 1901-1956, at the Kern Institute, University of Leiden.  On 282 microfiche.
Catalog Record  Guide

Indonesian Political Tabloids microfilm collection

Following Suharto's downfall in 1998, Indonesia's press had newfound freedom.  This collection of 340 newspapers, tabloids, and journals are a sample of the serials that chronicle the events leading to the June 1999 elections and beyond.
Catalog Record  Guide

Kung Koan Records

The Dutch administration in Indonesia used to appoint Chinese headmen to administer the large Chinese communities in cities like Batavia, Semarang and Soerabaja.  These 'officers' functioned jointly as a Chinese Council or Kong Koan and were responsible for the registration of births, marriages, divorces and deaths, as well as for arbitration and jurisdiction in local disputes and minor misdemeanors.  Included in SEAM's collection are records of assistance to the poor, immigration records, burial records from the Feng Shui Cemetary in Jakarta, donations, accounts, minutes of meetings, travel passes, and court cases.
Catalog Record  Guide

Sumatra Factory Records

 The records include correspondence and reports sent between factories (trading posts) of the British East India Company and their Directors in London (ca. 1685-1825).
Catalog Record  Guide


Original Correspondence. C.O. 171. Malay States, Federated.

Catalog Record  Guide

Great Britain.  Colonial Office.  Sessional Papers

UK National Archives website

Records of the Colonial Office, British North Borneo (Sabah), Sessional Papers, 1908-1965. C.O. 648
Catalog Record
Sessional Papers. Kelantan, 1909-1940 (C.O. 827)
Catalog Record
Trengganu Sessional Papers, 1910-1940 (C.O. 840)
Catalog Record
Federation of Malaya, sessional papers, 1946-1965 (C.O. 941)
Catalog Record
Malacca, sessional papers, 1946-1950 (C.O. 944)
Catalog Record

Great Britain.  Colonial Office.  Straits Settlements records

Contains records from 1800-1872.  The Straits Settlements (Singapore, Penang, Malacca) fell administratively under the British East India Company and were unified in 1826.  The extensive material in this set documents the consultations (minutes), correspondence, proceedings, and other material from the settlements, covering the period through the establishment of the Straits as a crown colony in 1867.  On 236 reels from the National Library of Singapore; two reels of indexes also available.
Catalog Record  Guide


Jose Cuenco Collection

Cebuano periodicals held in the Cuenco Collection at the Seminario de San Vicente Ferrer, Iloilo City.
Catalog Record

Philippine Election Material

SEAM holds two collections of Philippine election material that once belonged to Dr. Karl Lande.  Both collections contain six microfilm reels of information about election results at the provincial and national levels. 
Republic of the Philippines Commission on Elections, Manila (filmed by Yale University)
Catalog Record
Philippine Elections, Canvass of Votes (1907-1971) (filmed by Ateneo de Manila University)
Catalog Record 

Jose P. Laurel Papers (1918-1959)

Jose Laurel was the President of the Philippines during the Japanese Occupation (1943-1945), though his long and distinguished career spanned many decades before and after this period.  His papers include extensive correspondence and materials concerning the administration of the Second Philippine Republic, Collaboration Issue papers, Laurel-Langley Papers relating to the Philippine Economic Mission to the United States and other material.
Catalog Record  Guide

Unpublished Papers, Articles and Speeches / Institute of Philippine Culture

The collection consists principally of unpublished reports made by Philippine social scientists to the Institute. There are approximately of 100 reports, academic papers and assorted materials, dating from the 1960s to the present. The Philippine academy is unlike the U.S. academy in that even top scholars are rarely given much time for their own research as part of their routine schedule. On the other hand, scholars frequently undertake commissioned research assignments. The result of both of these facts is that Philippine scholars write many research reports that do not become published articles or books. Since the 1950s, much important research in Philippine social science has been circulated informally as mimeographed reports rather than formally as a journal publications.
Catalog Record  Guide


Singapore, sessional papers, 1946-1965 (C.O. 940)

Catalog Record


William J. Gedney Collection of Thai Material

20th century Thai monographs and periodicals from the Gedney Collection at the University of Michigan.  Contains materials mainly on Thai drama, folk songs, literature, and poetry. It also has information on history, law, and other topics published in the late 19th- and early 20th-century in Thailand.
Catalog Record  Guide


Chau Ban:  the Dynastic Records of the Nguyen Dynasty

SEAM received 64 reels of Chau Ban (also know as 'vermillion records' because of the ink used by the emperor in issuing decrees) from Vietnam.  This material was originally housed in the Imperial Archives and was at one point completely restricted from foreign scholars.  The records cover the Gia Long (1802-1820) and Minh Mang (1820-1841) periods of the Nguyen Dynasty.  They contain extensive correspondence, memorials from various offices of court, reports from remote provinces, and materials relating to medicinal practices of court doctors.
Catalog Record 


ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) Reports
