Preservation of Electronic Government Information (PEGI) is a two-year initiative to address national concerns regarding the preservation of electronic government information by cultural memory organizations for long term use by the citizens of the United States.
This project brings together librarians, technologists, and other information professionals from the Center for Research Libraries, the University of North Texas, the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Arizona State University, the University of Missouri, Yale University, and Stanford University. The PEGI project has been informed by a series of meetings between university librarians, information professionals, and representatives of federal agencies, including the Government Publishing Office and the National Archives and Records Administration. The focus is at-risk government digital information of long term historical significance which is not being adequately harvested from the Web or by other automated means.
The project will conduct a multimodal environmental scan of at-risk federal digital content. An educational awareness and advocacy outreach program will take place in 2018, the second year of the project. Finally, the project will analyze and develop recommendations for a collaborative national agenda for future work to continue improving preservation and access to electronic government information.
For more on the PEGI Project, please go to the PEGI website
Early PEGI Documents
Reflections. Digital Preservation Summit April 2016
March 2017 Conference Call Notes
April 2017 Conference Call Notes