CRL Certifies Canadiana as Trustworthy Digital Repository

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

The Center for Research Libraries (CRL) has completed a preservation audit of, and on the basis of that audit certified Canadiana's digital repository as a trustworthy repository service. The certification applies specifically to Canadiana’s ability to preserve static digital files in common file formats produced through the digitization of physical materials. Canadiana digitizes physical documents and artifacts and makes those materials available through a number of web portals under its control.  For purposes of the CRL audit those portals included: Early Canadiana Online; Héritage; Historical Debates of the Parliament of Canada; and DFATD Digital Library. (The certification does not apply to born-digital materials and other digital files that are archived by Canadiana but produced by others.) The certification report can be downloaded here.

Unlike other digital preservation services certified by CRL, such as CLOCKSS and Portico, Canadiana is not a repository focused solely on preservation. Instead, Canadiana’s preservation functions are integrated with its platform for managing digital content for a set of publicly accessible digital libraries.

The certification is based upon review by CRL and its Certification Advisory Panel of extensive documentation gathered by CRL independently from open sources and third parties, as well as data and documentation provided by Canadiana.

CRL conducted its audit with reference to generally accepted best practices in the management of digital systems. These include the Trustworthy Repositories Audit & Certification: Criteria and Checklist (TRAC); ISO standard 16363 (Audit and Certification of Trustworthy Digital Repositories); the Open Archive Information System (OAIS) reference model; and other metrics developed by CRL through its analyses of digital repositories.

In assessing Canadiana services and capabilities CRL gave special consideration to the interests of the Canadian academic research libraries. Those interests were represented by members of the CRL certification advisory panel for the audit:  Mark Jordan, Head of Library Systems, W.A.C. Bennett Library, Simon Fraser University; Tim Au Yeung, Consultant, Digital Object Repository, University of Calgary; and Pascal Calarco, Associate University Librarian, Digital and Discovery Services, University of Waterloo.