Voting has begun on the CRL FY2010 Purchase Proposal Ballot. This year CRL will allocate $135,000 to the purchase of collections through this program. Balloting will continue through Tuesday, November 24.
Voters will notice something new on this year’s ballot: a survey on selected electronic resources in which CRL libraries have expressed interest. If enough libraries rate one or more of these highly in the survey, CRL will explore whether appropriate terms for digital access to these resources can be negotiated for member libraries. Because CRL is not a licensing organization, NERL, a consortium serving over 90 research libraries (including many CRL members), will help us test the workability and usefulness of this activity.
Please e-mail Mary Wilke ([773] 955-4545 x351), or contact the program representative at your institution, for more information about the Purchase Proposal Program.
Vote in Purchase Proposal Program
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Mary Wilke -