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The Center for Research Libraries and British Library have digitized 400 UK theses on Middle Eastern and Islamic studies, now available through the British Library’s EThOS (Electronic Theses Online) service.

The October issue of The Charleston Advisor (V12N1) features new reviews of electronic resources for libraries, including Mass Observation Online, EBSCOhost Mobile, the Vanderbilt Television News Archive, and Scribd.

A new online catalog will link users to full-text, digital facsimiles of French pamphlets made accessible by CIFNAL member institutions, international partner collections, and related digital library collections.

The Digital South Asia Library’s presentation of Gramophone Recordings from the Linguistic Survey of India consists of digitized recordings originally collected in South Asia from 1913 to 1929.

The Center for Research Libraries will work with a number of library and publisher partners to coordinate and provide access to metadata on historic newspapers and their digital versions.

The new project will create a sustainable and scalable plan for cooperative management of legacy print materials at the local, regional, state, and national levels.

GNARP's Steering Committee and Working Groups will meet during the ALA 2011 Midwinter Conference in San Diego.

The CIFNAL Steering Committee will meet Sunday, January 9, 2011, from 8 to 10 a.m. in San Diego.

The Slavic and East European Microform Project will hold its Annual Business Meeting on Friday, November 19, 2010, in Los Angeles. 

The Cooperative Africana Microform Project will meet on November 19, 2010, in San Francisco.

The Middle East Microform Project will hold its annual business meeting on Tuesday, November 16, 2010, in San Diego, CA.

The Middle East Microform Project (MEMP) invites institutions outside of North America to participate in its collaborative preservation and access program.

CIFNAL has four new members: the University of Maryland, University of Notre Dame, University of Ottawa, and Princeton University.

MEMP has microfilmed 1984–2010 issues of the London newspaper Kayhan.

SEEMP has acquired microfilm of the newspaper Zapoliar'e, published in Vorkuta, Russia, for August 1952 through December 1970.

The Chaquèri Collection of Iranian Left-wing Materials 1960–85 is now available through CRL’s online catalog.

CRL now offers rebroadcasts of informative presentations and Webinars highlighting global research resources and other valuable topics on our new YouTube channel.

Through a new partnership, CRL is expanding its preservation of international legal collections, and providing electronic access to new primary source materials in the fields of law, government, and politics.

CRL invites nominations for cooperative purchases in the FY11 Purchase Proposal Program until September 30.

CRL announces its newest board member,  Dr. Susan Martin of the University of Tennessee Knoxville.