Many academic institutions hold French pamphlets dating from various historical periods.
The Collaborative Initiative for French Language Collections (CIFNAL) is working on a new catalog of online French Pamphlets. The catalog will be a database resource able to link users to full-text, digital facsimiles of French pamphlets made accessible by CIFNAL member institutions, international partner collections, and other freely accessible digital library collections, such as the Bibliothèque Nationale de France’s Gallica collection.
A core group of interested CIFNAL members are helping to organize the project. Because RefWorks is facilitating much of the work of building the database, any member interested in adding records and links to its institutional holdings can be given access to begin editing the database.
For more information, visit the French Pamphlet Project’s Facebook page or contact Matthew Loving, Romance Languages Librarian at the University of Florida. CIFNAL is part of the Global Resources Network at the Center for Research Libraries.