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CIFNAL, the Collaborative Initiative for French Language Collections, has awarded travel stipends for travel for librarians to travel to an international conference.

The Middle East Materials Project (MEMP) and the South Asia Materials Project (SAMP) contributed funds for the preservation of seventeen newspaper and serial titles published in Afghanistan.

With support from seven member libraries, CRL will acquire three newspaper microform sets through its 2015 Shared Purchase Program. The total list cost of these acquisitions, which benefit all CRL members, is $69,446.      

The jointly-developed policies help advise and steer collection development priorities for the Global Resources STE Partnership.

CRL and LLMC's ongoing work to scan house and senate assembly journals from all 50 states have resulted in a rich trove of resources for historical and legal study.

The deadline has been extended until April 15, 2015 for applications for the CIFNAL International Travel Stipend for 2015.

LLMC (Law Library Microform Consortium) has digitized a collection of early legal publications from Myanmar (Burma).  The material covers 1872-1955.

The Middle East Materials Project (MEMP) has microfilmed several Iraqi newspapers published in Baghdad after the 2003 invasion.

This year’s annual Global Resources Collections Forum, to be webcast in April from the Linda Hall Library in Kansas City, will feature new developments in CRL acquisitions and licensing.

LARRP (Latin Americanist Research Resources Project) has provided funding to support the digitization of the 1936 issues of the Puerto Rican newspaper El Mundo.

The Cooperative Africana Materials Project (CAMP) has microfilmed issues from 1979-1990 of the Nigerian newsmagazine Times International.

CRL's ongoing Global Resources Law Partnership preserves, digitizes and provides access to critical primary source government and legal publications.

The Collaborative Initiative for French Language Collections (CIFNAL) will offer up to four stipends for staff members at CIFNAL institutions to travel to conferences.

MEMP (Middle East Materials Project) has microfilmed issues of the London daily newspaper al-Quds al-Arabi for May 2010 - December 2013.

Some key CRL staff members will attend ALA Midwinter in Chicago (January 30–February 5) to report on and gather input for CRL programs.

The Center for Research Libraries will purchase six valuable microform and reprint collections through this year’s Purchase Proposal Program, with a list price value of $220,987. These sets will soon be available through interlibrary loan from CRL.

The latest issue (V16N2) of The Charleston Advisor, a publication of peer-reviewed critiques of electronic resources for libraries, includes several reviews and an interview of interest: Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers, “Deciding on Databases: Strategies for Selecting in Latin American and Spanish Language Studies,” and an interview with Bonnie Tijerina, Fellow at the Data and Society Institute.

The newly revised LIBLICENSE Model License Agreement incorporates best practices of the library profession and the best advice of legal and publishing professionals in negotiating licensing agreements.

Since July, CRL has welcomed eight new member organizations.

The Cooperative Africana Materials Project (CAMP) has microfilmed 13 Liberian newspaper titles from the collection of Michigan State University.