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Project Ceres grants a total of $48,839.43 to projects from five universities. 

At the April 14 meeting of CRL’s Council of Voting Members, delegates from CRL libraries  elected  new members of the Board of Directors, approved a budget for the coming fiscal year and authorized new digital directions for CRL.  

With the support of twelve member libraries, CRL will acquire four microform sets through its 2016 Shared Purchase Program.

CRL's project to digitize documentation from ten African and Persian Gulf countries where the integrity of the public record is at risk has exceeded targets, and exposes collections never before accessible to North American scholars.

TRAIL is in the top 25 of HathiTrust content contributors, with more than 39,000 volumes of technical reports originally published by the US Government.

LLMC, through its partnership with CRL, recently completed the digitization of the full set of New York state Senate and Assembly Journals.

The South Asia Materials Project (SAMP) at CRL has recently launched the SAMP Open Archives initiative to create and maintain a collection of open access materials for the study of South Asia. This major collaborative initiative is aimed at addressing the current scarcity of digital resources pertinent to South Asian studies and at making collections more widely accessible both to North American scholars and to researchers elsewhere in the world.

The German-North American Resources Partnership (GNARP) is funding six travel stipends to support member travel to the Bibliothekskongress in Leipzig, Germany in March 2016.

CRL’s Senior Advisor on Electronic Strategies, Ann Okerson, has received outstanding recognition for her recent publication, The Once and Future Publishing Library.

Gale, a part of Cengage Learning, recently provided CRL with title and issue records from content in the digital newspaper collections available on the Gale NewsVault platform, for exposure in CRL’s ICON database.

LAMP recently microfilmed the contemporary Mexican newspaper El Diario de Juárez for the years 2008-2010.

CRL digitization recently reached another  milestone: over seven million pages of items digitized from CRL collections are now available to CRL members.

CRL and the Linda Hall Library of Science, Engineering & Technology (LHL) recently expanded the terms of the Global Resources Partnership in Science, Technology, and Engineering to encompass strategic digitization of serials jointly held by the two organizations. 

TRAIL has now digitized over 5,000 technical reports produced by the Atomic Energy Commission, many of which were produced by the Hanford Nuclear Reservation in Washington State.

The deadline for nominating collections for purchase by CRL under the FY17 Purchase Proposal Program is September 30, 2016.

CRL's extensive work with serials data and holdings records is benefiting member institutions' assessment and disclosure of serial holdings for archiving.

The Center for Research Libraries will purchase seven valuable microform collections through this year’s Purchase Proposal Program, with a list price value of $192,215. These sets will soon be available through interlibrary loan from CRL.

Who from CRL will be at ALA Midwinter 2016 in Boston and where to find them.

Following the announcement that Portico will now archive EBSCO Digital Archives products in its D-Collections program, representatives of CRL libraries heard more about the expanding program in two conference calls with Portico. CRL has updated the provider profile and review of Portico in eDesiderata.

TRAIL (the Technical Report Archive & Image Library) now has over 1 million pages of content in the University of North Texas Digital Library.