Alex Caracuzzo is the Collections and Data Management Librarian at Harvard Business School (HBS) Baker Library. He manages HBS Dataverse, a repository for archiving and sharing a growing number of HBS research datasets. Alex also supports other Research Data Program services as a member of Harvard Business School Knowledge & Library Services, Baker Research Services, and Special Collections teams.
Lara Cleveland is the co-Principal Investigator for IPUMS-International and Project Manager for the Minnesota Population Center’s international population census microdata projects: IPUMS (Integrated Public Use Microdata Series) and NAPP (The North Atlantic Population Project). As Project Manager, Lara directs a team of professional and graduate student researchers in activities related to data quality, integration, analysis, and documentation. She designs systems to implement new integration methods. She has published in the areas of data quality and confidentiality, and data and geographic integration. For the past two years, she has been active in building and sustaining relationships with country partners and other stakeholders in the areas of data acquisition and dissemination.
Hilary Craiglow is the Director of Vanderbilt University’s Walker Management Library, where she melds the rich tradition of libraries with innovative service delivery. As the Director of Communications for all campus libraries, she helps oversee the public website and research portal, and provides coordination of public relations, media, and print communications. Prior to joining Vanderbilt in 2006, Hilary worked for Questia Media, a digital library service, where she developed search and online marketing strategies.
Cynthia Cronin-Kardon is Business Reference and Resource Development Librarian at the Lippincott Library of the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School. Cynthia manages the selection of resources and materials for Lippincott's electronic and print collections, and has particular expertise with quantitative databases, such as Datastream and Bloomberg. In addition to liaison responsibilities for the Real Estate department, she specializes in international business information, including working with the Lauder Institute to support the research needs of their students. Before becoming a librarian, Cynthia was a City Planner for the Philadelphia City Planning Commission.
Barbara Esty is the Senior Information Research Specialist at Harvard Business School’s Baker Library. Barbara works in collaboration with faculty, research associates, and other subject experts in a team environment to support curriculum and course development. Barbara has been at Harvard Business School since 2000.
John Faundeen has worked as the EROS Archivist at the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center since 2001. His role involves policy, oversight and guidance for the observational, cartographic, and elevation data created and maintained at EROS. John allocates most of his time to preservation and appraisal functions. The preservation activity includes environmentally managing a 20,000 square foot archive containing 100,000 rolls of analog film and thousands of magnetic tapes. Establishing an off-site archive containing several petabytes of electronic data continues to be a centerpiece of EROS’s data management risk mitigation strategy. He has previously served as the acting USGS Records Officer.
Karen Hogenboom is Associate Professor of Library Administration, Scholarly Commons Librarian and Head of Scholarly Commons at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Karen helped establish the university’s Data Purchase Program in 2010 to provide a source of funding for the purchase of datasets requested by students and faculty, and to make this data available to the campus at large for future use.
Amber Leahey is the Data Services Metadata Librarian for Scholars Portal of the Ontario Council of University Libraries (OCUL). She supports the Scholars Geoportal, Ontario Data Documentation, Extraction Service and Infrastructure (ODESI), and Dataverse repositories. In working with Scholar’s Geoportal, a GIS data portal/discovery engine run by OCUL, Amber facilitates the storing and linking of large GIS data sets and works to improve the discovery, extraction, and data preview aspects of the site.
Catherine Morse is the subject specialist for U.S. Government Information, Law, and Political Science at the University of Michigan Libraries. Catherine manages the collection budgets for the Stephen S. Clark Library for Maps, Government Information and Data Services at the Hatcher Graduate Library. Since 2001 Catherine has helped researchers discover and access the information they need to do research in the areas of politics, law and government.
Annelise Sklar is the Social Sciences Collection Coordinator at the University of California, San Diego. She is also the liaison/subject specialist for Political Science, Law & Society, Environmental Policy, and International Government Information, providing reference, instruction, and faculty outreach services. Annelise has been at UC San Diego since 2007; prior to that, she was at the University of New Mexico. She is on the Editorial Advisory Board of The Journal of Popular Culture and has served on a variety of ALA Government Documents Round Table (GODORT) and ACRL Law & Political Science Section committees. She spends a great deal of time thinking about how to most simply describe the research process to students, deliver library-funded information sources in a more streamlined way, and acquire resources for user text mining
Julie Sweetkind-Singer is the Head of the Branner Earth Sciences Library and Map Collections at Stanford University. She oversees the geospatial and cartographic resources for Stanford Libraries. She is interested in the long-term preservation of geospatial and scientific data. Julie has been at Stanford since 2000 and prior to that she worked for two private map collectors in the San Francisco Bay Area. She was recently named the chair of the National Geospatial Advisory Committee, a Federal Advisory Committee sponsored by the Department of the Interior.