Access to News in the Digital Era

Summer 2013 | Volume 32, Number 4 | Download PDF

Access to News in the Digital Era

Mining Electronic News for Research

Kalev Leetaru explores new technological developments and movements in mining electronic news, while Debora Cheney offers a focused analysis of actual use of news databases.

Broadcast and Multimedia News

A look at two major television news archives: the Vanderbilt Television News Archive by Connie Vinita Dowell and Joseph D. Combs, and the UCLA Broadcast NewsScape Archive of International Television News by Sharon E. Farb and Todd Grappone.

Born Digital and Web-based News

Megan Bernal spoke about the production and distribution of electronic news from the publishers’ perspective, while Bernie Reilly examined legal deposit considerations in the post-print era, and Mark Phillips described various academic initiatives underway aimed at preserving news content in digital form.

A New Cooperative Agenda for News Preservation

At the end of the roundtable, Bernard Reilly examined what roles research libraries can play in long-term accessibility of the journalistic record, and outlined possible future actions.

Screen shot of Walter Cronkite on CBS, courtesy of Vanderbilt Television News Archive.