CRL and some of its Global Resources Network groups are participating in free trials and licensing access to select titles:
- CRL included offers for electronic resources on this year’s Purchase Proposal ballot, in response to strong interest expressed by members last year. Fourteen libraries indicated that they wanted to participate in Times of India Online, and received favorable terms.
- Certain members of GNARP (the German-North American Resources Partnership) are currently participating in a free trial of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (F.A.Z.) through August 1, at which point they will be asked whether they would like to subscribe. First published on November 1, 1949, F.A.Z. is one of the major national daily newspapers in Germany, and covers a comprehensive range of topics in Germany and internationally. The four daily sections and inserts of the paper include economic, political, cultural, and science topics.
CRL will explore other offers and free trial access for additional titles.