Event Logistics
CRL promotes opportunities for libraries and consortia to share information, expertise, and best practices for the cooperative, strategic preservation, and management of print. PAN is a free and open venue for this kind of information-sharing. All those with an interest in print archiving are welcome to attend and participate. Seating is on a first come first serve basis.
For ongoing icommunications about PAN, please join the PAN listserv. Past PAN presentations and program reports are collected and archived. The archive presents all content contributed to PAN from 2009 forward.
Please Note: The room is across the street from the Convention Center. (Map with room location)
9:00-9:05 Welcome & Announcements
Matthew Revitt (Maine Shared Collections/EAST)
9:05-10:05 Updates (60 minutes)
1. Rosemont (John Burger, Executive Director, Association of Southeastern Research Libraries, ASERL)
2. HathiTrust (Heather Weltin, Shared Print Program Officer, HathiTrust)
3. PALCI (Jill Morris, Executive Director, Pennsylvania Academic Library Consortium, Inc)
4. EAST (Sara Amato, EAST Data Librarian and Matthew Revitt, EAST Shared Print Consultant)
10:05-10:20 Monograph News (15 minutes)
5. Report from the Monograph Shared Print Summit 2 (Kirsten Leonard, Executive Director of the Private Academic Library Network of Indiana (PALNI))
10:20-11:20 Recent Research (60 minutes)
6. Everything Not Saved Will Be Lost: Preservation in the Age of Shared Print and Withdrawal Projects (Ian Bogus, Executive Director, ReCAP; Zachary Maiorana, Preservation Services, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
7. Improving the Infrastructure for Managing Shared Print (Matt Barnes, Director, Sustainable Collection Services, OCLC;Amy Wood, Head of Technical Services, CRL)
8. The Future of the Academic Library Print Collection Project (Shari Laster, Head of Open Stack Collections, Arizona State University)
11:20-11:30 Short Subjects (10 minutes)
9. Mining Serials Reformatting Data for Preservation (Marie Waltz, Special Projects Manager, CRL)
10. stackR: An Open-Source Tool for Collections Analysis (James L. Adams, Data and Visualization Librarian, Dartmouth College Library)
11:30 Adjourn