Event Logistics
CRL promotes opportunities for libraries and consortia to share information, expertise, and best practices for the cooperative, strategic preservation and management of print. PAN is an open venue for this kind of information-sharing. Those with an interest in print archiving are welcome to attend and participate.
For more information about PAN, please join the PAN listserv or contact Marie Waltz (mwaltzatcrl<dot>edu). Our meeting archive can be found here.
Agenda Overview
9:00-9:05 p.m. Welcome and Program Introduction (10 min)
Matthew Revitt, Shared Print Consultant at EAST
9:05-9:50 Regional Update: Canada (40 min)
Downsview 5 Project (Download)
Caitlin Tillman, Associate Chief Librarian for Collections and Materials Management. University of Toronto
Canada Last Copy Project Library and Archives, Canada (Download)
Katherine (Kat) Timms - Information Standards Specialist, Operations Sector, Library and Archives Canada
9:50-10:40 Government Documents and Shared Print Collections (50 min)
Creating a Registry of US Federal Government Documents (Download)
Valerie Glenn, Government Documents Registry Analyst at HathiTrust
FLARE Government Documents Cataloguing Project or Needs Lists? (Download)
Judy C. Russell, University of Florida
LLMC’s Legislative Journals Project (Download)
Kathleen Richman, Executive Director LLMC, LLMC
10:40-11:25 Short Subjects (45 min)
Update on EAST (Download)
Matthew Revitt, Shared Print Consultant at EAST
Susan Stearns, Executive Director, Boston Library Consortium
Prospective MAGIRT Shared Print Project and Guide to U.S. Map Resources (Download)
Carol McAuliffe, Head, Map & Imagery Library, University of Florida
HathiTrust Shared Print (Download)
Lizanne Payne, Program Officer for Shared Print Initiatives, HathiTrust
Update on the Registration of Large Retention Commitments (Download)
Nick Valentini, Product Manager, OCLC