How do I search for TRAIL documents?
Use the TRAIL Search Interface, which is maintained by the University of Washington Libraries.
What was the genesis of TRAIL?
TRAIL began as a Greater Western Library Alliance (GWLA) project with the Center for Research Libraries to increase access to and preserve government technical reports. TRAIL is now a CRL Global Resources Network Initiative which provides unrestricted access to this unique body of literature via the TRAIL Search Interface.
What is the value of Technical Report Literature?
- communicates research in technology and science (prior art)
- contributes to the continued growth of research at institutions and in industry
- serves specialized audiences of researchers (e.g. aerospace, mining, energy, etc.)
What are some of the concerns associated with access and preservation of government documents?
Government documents that have not been digitized or that are not born-digital are vulnerable for a number of reasons:
- libraries are downsizing print government documents collections due to space issues
- many government documents are deteriorating or are being moved to remote storage
- for many of these documents, access exists only through series records in library catalogs, if at all, while TRAIL individually catalogs each document.
What activities is TRAIL involved in?
- acquiring content from donor libraries
- arranging for digitization of the materials, including large fold-outs and other special-handling materials
- cataloging/creating metadata for each report
- arranging for storage/preservation of digital files
- creating and maintaining the user interface that provides access to TRAIL digitized content
How is content acquired and how are series selected for digitization?
The TRAIL Collections Working Group chooses and prioritizes what series will be added to TRAIL. Any library or other organization may contribute needed content for any active series.
What is available through TRAIL?
See the Series List to learn which series have been digitized or the status of a series under review for digitization.
How does TRAIL Backup/Preserve Content?
HathiTrust storage architecture has two synchronized instances of storage with wide geographic separation and an encrypted tape backup with 6 months of previous-version retention. For more information, see
The University of North Texas maintains redundancy for all the content in the UNT Digital Library system. For every file there are at least two copies (both preservation files as well as all of the access files that are getting viewed online).
Why would TRAIL need reports that are digitally available in HathiTrust?
There are several reasons:
- If our series processing inventories indicate that we still need the report, we actively seek the report. We do not have the staff to check our needed items against what was digitized and made available in HathiTrust by another content provider.
- ONLY reports digitized by TRAIL are indexed and searchable by our search interface(link is external).
- Technical reports that have maps, foldouts, etc. are rarely included in the reports available at HathiTrust. TRAIL sends these reports to the University of North Texas (UNT), our other TRAIL repository, where the maps, foldouts, etc., are digitized along with the reports.
If I have reports to potentially donate, but these reports have been digitized and available elsewhere, does TRAIL want them?
It’s quite likely that we do. You may have reports that will fill in the gaps for series we’re working on. Please compare what you have against the TRAIL Series Inventories.
If you cannot find the series that pertain to your reports, please contact the TRAIL Collections Working Group Coordinator (the Coordinator’s name and email can be found here). This person leads the group that determines which series TRAIL will consider for digitization.
In addition to searching, can I browse TRAIL content by agency or series?
No, not at present. The TRAIL Search Interface(link is external) does not have a "browse" function because a large share of TRAIL content consists of documents for which agency names and series titles have changed frequently over the years. Creating and maintaining an authority record structure, which would pull together all the variant combinations for each agency/series pairing, would require a significant investment of our resources at this time.
Why can't I view a report that TRAIL has digitized?
Some digitized reports may not be available due to copyright restrictions. TRAIL content in the HathiTrust is subject to copyright decisions made by HathiTrust. For more information about copyright see the HathiTrust copyright(link is external) page.
Do the TRAIL documents in HathiTrust have download restrictions?
Anyone can download TRAIL documents, page by page. HathiTrust partner institutions can download documents page by page or can download a PDF of the complete document. The complete document is available for viewing online. For more information see the Access Chart(link is external) on the HathiTrust Help page.
Are tools like social media links, widgets, or other alert methods available for TRAIL content?
See TRAIL Tools to find widgets. And by all means, please "LIKE" TRAIL on Facebook(link is external) and Twitter(link is external)!
What formats are being digitized?
Individual print documents that are easily scanned (destructive process) are preferred. TRAIL is currently digitizing a set of microcards. TRAIL is also developing guidelines, processes, etc. for digitizing maps. Special formats including maps and other non-standard sized items are deposited at the University of North Texas Digital Library
Where can I find a list of series with report numbers that TRAIL needs?
See our TRAIL Guide on Series Gap Fill Process
Find it here:
What is the TRAIL Collections Processing Database?
It is a freely searchable database that provides the details about the series that have been received, inventoried, and processed at the University of Arizona, the central processing site for TRAIL.
Where can I find information about the progress of series being digitized?
Use the TRAIL Series Processing Inventories to see what series have been processed for digitization.
Can TRAIL content be found using common Internet search engines?
TRAIL content is open for indexing by any/all Internet search engines.
Are catalog records available for the technical reports included in TRAIL?
Any interested library may purchase sets of provider-neutral catalog records for available collections via OCLC(link is external). These OCLC Record Sets enhance access to existing print collections or electronic versions.
Do members need to supply content or need digitizing experience or equipment?
No. Any of the following will benefit TRAIL:
- membership dollars, service on TRAIL working groups
- educating others about TRAIL
- donation of materials
In addition to the TRAIL Steering Committee, what are the names of the Working Groups?
- TRAIL Collections Working Group
- TRAIL Communications Working Group
- TRAIL Processing Working Group
- TRAIL Membership Working Group
- TRAIL Metrics Working Group
Describe the "collaborative nature" of TRAIL
Dozens of academic, government, and commercial organizations have contributed content, services, funding, and staff time to TRAIL and members invest in these efforts to keep it going and growing.