Tokugawa bakufu hikitsugisho.

GUIDE: Kyu bakufu hikitsugisho kaisetsu. This set consists of four parts:
  • Dai 1-shu: Sen'yo ruishu. Shichu torishimari kankeisho. Microfilm of selected documents relating to urban affairs under the Shogunate;.
  • Dai 2-shu: Jishi bugyo shorui. Saiban hanrei kankeisho. Microfilm of temple and shrine documents of the Shogunate relating to legal trials and procedures.
  • Dai 3-shu: Shisei kankeigho. Microfilm of papers relating to city government under the Shogunate.
  • Dai 4-shu: Keizai kankeisho. Chishi kankeisho. Gaikoku jikensho. Microfilm of papers relating to economics, geography and foreign affairs under the Shogunate.