Global Affiliate Membership

Global Affiliate Membership provides educational and research institutions located outside North America access to CRL collections and services. Global Affiliates have the following benefits:

  • Digital delivery of materials scanned in response to loan requests, and to other collections digitized by CRL for research and teaching;
  • Document delivery of articles and chapters sent through ARIEL document delivery
  • Interlibrary loan access to a collection of 3.5-million microform resources, including a 90-day loan period, renewable loan periods on request, and fourth-day delivery on most requests
  • Ability to load CRL catalog records or subsets to local catalog or system at no charge (includes periodic updates)
  • Free participation in CRL collection webinars, workshops, and forums
  • Individualized resource support available.

Cost Shares

Because CRL is a research library consortium, membership costs are apportioned to reflect the size and means of each institution.

  • Global Affiliate cost shares range from a minimum of $2,000 to a maximum of $18,000 (US$) annually. The cost share is a percentage (currently 0.26%) of an institution’s average annual library materials expenditures (see definition below) for the most recent five years, and requires a minimum three-year membership commitment.
  • Global Affiliates are required to pay all shipping costs for materials borrowed.

For more information, contact


Annual library materials expenditures are defined as “aggregate expenditures for acquisitions and binding (books, periodicals, microforms, and all other library materials including electronic media, regardless of source of funding) for all the library units [branches] included in the CRL membership and eligible for service by CRL.”


For more information, see the CRL bylaws.