Nihon shakai rodo undo shiryoshu.

This set is the Archives of the social and labor movement of Japan, 1920-1934. The materials were collected by Kyochokai (the Council of Harmony between Capital and Labor), which was organized by Japanese economists for the purpose of mediating between capital and labor. This collection has been microfilmed from the 260 volumes of original materials on the labor movement and labor disputes throughout Japan from 1920, when the Kyochokai became active to 1934, when the pre-war structure began to set in. Some of the originals are mimeographed or printed, but the majority are handwritten. The material includes a few documents on thought control by the Thought Police and the Judicature of the Cabinet, as well as: 1. Documents related to labor unions 2. Documents related to political association 3. Documents related to labor disputes, classified by company, reign and age 4. Documents related to the Proletarian Party 5. Newspaper clippings 6. Organs (Monthly report of thought)
Kyochokai (Japan)
Kokusai Maikuro Shashin Kogyosha
Temporal Coverage: 