India (Republic). Census Commissioner. Census of India.

CRL has received almost all of the volumes of the 1961 (10th) and 1971 (11th) Censuses of India and is acquiring the 1981 (12th) and 1991 (13th) censuses as volumes are issued. Each census is arranged with Series 1 covering all India, and Series 2, etc., for the states and union territories, with one series for each state or territory. Each series is issued in parts including the following topics:

  • Administration reports;
  • General population, Economic, Social and cultural, Migration, Fertility, and Housing tables;
  • Special tables on scheduled castes and scheduled tribes;
  • Town directory and survey reports on selected towns and villages;
  • Ethnographic notes and special studies on scheduled castes and tribes;
  • Census atlas;
  • District census handbooks; and,
  • Miscellaneous separate papers or monographs.

The Census of India is part of CRL’s foreign documents collection and is not cataloged.

Government of India
Temporal Coverage: 