Marketing Tools

CRL provides materials and information to help member institutions promote CRL resources and services locally.  To obtain materials, or to discuss ways to promote CRL on campus, please contact CRL Member Services(link sends e-mail).


CRL Collections Brochures

The depth and diversity of CRL’s primary source materials and collection highlights are showcased in a color printed brochure. Designed to help CRL libraries spread the word among library staff, research and teaching faculty, students, and others, the brochures are available in quantity at no cost on request.

CRL Flyers

CRL's one-page flyer (which can be customized on request) is designed for mass distribution throughout the library, at faculty and student orientations, and other opportunities. The flyer highlights CRL benefits and privileges that researchers appreciate most:

  • Unlimited access to rich and diverse collections; project-length loans
  • Digital delivery for many loan requests
  • Purchase of materials on demand

CRL Bookmarks

Attractive bookmarks referencing researchers' uses of CRL collections are available in quantity at no cost on request for local distribution.

Model Practices for Promoting CRL

CRL member libraries including the University of Arkansas(link is external), Dartmouth College(link is external)Pepperdine University, (link is external)and the University of San Diego(link is external) describe CRL's collections and services in key website pages. The University of Connecticut's Homer Babbidge Library features a description of CRL as an interlibrary loan resource(link is external) and also as one of several unique collections(link is external) available to researchers. Carleton University(link is external) in Ottawa produced a wonderful video interviewing student and faculty users of CRL materials.

There are many place you can integrate references to CRL, including:

  • A-Z resource lists.
  • Catalogs and other discovery tools.
  • Subject guides (list specific collection categories or items).
  • Bibliographic instruction materials.
  • Library newsletters.
  • Postings on blogs and social media (highlight current CRL acquisitions or webinars).

Boilerplate Descriptions

Boilerplate text is available in brief, more extensive, and customizeable versions for use in local library publications and websites.

Publicity Consultation

CRL staff can provide consultation to help institutions make individualized plans to promote CRL resources locally. We can provide graphic content, including CRL logos, or digitized images from the collections. Please contact Crl Member Services(link sends e-mail).