CRL's extensive dissertation collection contains a representative sample of content related to agriculture from European institutions. The collection includea ca. 2,300 dissertations on the subject of agriculture, primarily from Germany, Sweden, Netherlands, France, and Switzerland. A sampling of titles include:
- Agrártudományi Egyetem Állattenyésztési Karának közleményei = Trudy Zhivotnovodcheskogo fakulʹteta Universiteta agrarnykh nauk = Reports of the Faculty for Animal Husbandry; Hungarian University of Agricultural Science (1955-1957)
- Auswirkungen Neuartiger Waldschäden und der Bodenversauerung auf das Abflussverhalten von Waldgebieten; Universität Karlsruhe, 1990
- De corporum heterogeneorum in plantis animalibusque genesi; Typis Academiae Regiae Scientiarum, 1825
- Farming system research: an approach to developing of sustainable farming systems and the role of white clover as a component in nitrogen management; University of Uppsala, 2002
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