TRAIL has added four new members In recent months: the U.S. Government Publishing Office, University of Texas at Austin, University of California at Berkeley, and the University of Pennsylvania. Their financial and in-kind support will further the work of TRAIL in identifying, acquiring, cataloging, digitizing and providing unrestricted access to U.S. government agency technical reports. Membership in TRAIL now numbers 43 institutions, as it celebrates its tenth year in operation.
TRAIL was formed to meet the challenges of access to technical report literature. These reports are rapidly disappearing from library shelves and documents collections. TRAIL selects, digitizes, and deposits technical reports into trusted repositories: the HathiTrust and the University of North Texas (UNT) Digital Library. Content in the HathiTrust and UNT repositories is openly accessible to all users through the TRAIL search interface. Of the nearly 58,000 volumes digitized through TRAIL to date, some 40,000 volumes have been contributed to the HathiTrust repository.