CIFNAL and ARTFL have been building a strong collaborative relationship since the beginnings of CIFNAL. Early on, ARTFL donated $10,000 and gifts in kind of staff labor to digitize the Bibliothèque bleue.
At the 2007 Annual ALA Meeting, it was proposed that ARTFL create a new category of subscribing institutions—sustaining members—who would contribute to decision-making and prioritizing at ARTFL. These members will have input into projects, text selection, priorities for text clean-up, etc. Sustaining institutions will also be given the texts digitized under this program. In exchange, sustaining members contribute a higher fee to ARTFL when their subscriptions renew. CIFNAL will coordinate the process of soliciting and delivering feedback to ARTFL.
If your institution is interested in becoming a sustaining member, please send the signed Supplement to the existing Sustaining Member Agreement to:
The ARTFL Project
Department of Romance Languages and Literatures
University of Chicago
1115 East 58th Street
Chicago, IL 60637
If you have any questions, please contact artfl[at]artfl[dot]uchicago[dot]edu