Tools and Resources for Licensing

CRL helps libraries make informed investments in commercially available databases by providing a variety of tools, webinars, and forums, including:

Model License

A community-generated template that addresses some of the most pressing challenges in the emerging scholarly communications landscape. The Model License provides guidance in negotiating agreements and can be amended and adapted to meet local needs and situations.


The Liblicense project, offering an active discussion forum and other resources on licensing of databases and e-resources for scholars. A model license, extensively updated in consultation with numerous stakeholders, was posted on the Liblicense site in November 2014.

eDesiderata Platform

An interactive space for sharing information and independent perspectives on e-resources of interest to CRL libraries, and for tracking the status of e-resources available through CRL for member licensing. Includes CRL reviews, provider profiles, member comments, and information on current offers.

eDesiderata Forums

CRL’s annual eDesiderata Forums bring expert knowledge and insight to bear on the challenges of acquisition, licensing and enabling access to major databases, datasets, and data services for scholarly research. These virtual forums explore community interest in commercial and open access data sources, illuminate market practices and economics, and identify priorities for CRL and NERL licensing on behalf of member libraries.

To encourage real-time participation and discussion, recordings are not available for later access, but speakers' slides and summary reports are posted after the event.

Global Data Licensing Terms and Specifications

Assembled through community input, CRL provides model licensing terms and specifications for negotiating agreements for large global datasets in the areas of business, financial, and geospatial information. Comments are welcome and can be added to the current version.