African Official Gazettes Digitized by LLMC

Federal Republic of Nigeria, Official Gazette 1975

Tuesday, June 11, 2019
Judy Alspach -

The Law Library Microform Consortium (LLMC) has assembled and digitized Official Gazettes from several jurisdictions in Africa, now accessible in the LLMC-Digital database. The digitization was supported by CRL's Global Resources Partnership with LLMC to identify, preserve, and provide digital access to primary legal and government publications from U.S. and other national jurisdictions.

Recently digitized African Official Gazettes include:

LLMC’s diverse collection of primary materials includes historical, constitutional, legislative, and judicial materials from most African nations. CRL's partnership with LLMC allows researchers at CRL member institutions access to these important law resources through the LLMC-Digital database. These primary legal documents are available to aid scholars in many fields as they conduct research in the history, jurisprudence, and culture of Africa.

Libraries that contributed to the latest assembly of African content include: the University of Michigan Law Library, the Center for Research Libraries, and the Los Angeles County Law Library. Digitization of some of these titles was conducted as part of CRL's "Official Gazettes and Civil Society Documentation" project with support from the Carnegie Corporation of New York.

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