Japan. Okurasho. Kanzeikyoku. Dainihon kakko yushutsu-nyu geppyo. (Monthly return of His Imperial Majesty's customs of Japan.
Japan. Okurasho. Kanzeikyoku. Dainihon kakko yushutsu-nyu hannempyo (Return of the foreign commerce and trade of the empire of Japan).
Japan. Okurasho. Kanzeikyoku. Dainihon kakko yushutsu-nyu nendo hyo. (Return of the foreign commerce and trade of the Empire of Japan).
Japan. Sozeiryo. Dainihon kakko yushutsu-nyu hannempyo. (Return of the foreign commerce and trade of the Empire of Japan).
Japan. Sozeiryo. Dainihon kakko yushutsu-nyu buppin nempyo. (Annual return of exports and imports at the ports in Japan).