
Anti-Napoleonische Pamphlete

Collection comes from the Corvey Library (Fürstlichen Bibliothek Corvey) and consists of German-language pamphlets critical of Napoléon. These pamphlets in prose and verse, written from 1813 to 1815, offer an interesting glimpse of German sentiment toward this giant in French and European history.

Ministère des Affaires Étrangères. Archives diplomatiques

CRL has acquired scattered holdings of archives of the French Foreign Ministry, including the Correspondence Angleterre for 177089 [catalog record], a considerable amount of diplomatic and consular correspondence with parts of northern Italy for the first half of the 19th century, and selected correspondence with other countries in Europe, the Middle East, and North America.

Journal Officiel de la République Française

The Journal Officiel is the official gazette of France. It appears daily, except for Mondays and holidays and contains texts of national laws and decrees, important administrative orders and proclamations, and parliamentary debates and committee reports. After 1881, the Journal was published in several parts: 1.) Lois et Decrets; 2.) Debats Parlementaires, which contains A. Senat, and B. the Assemblee Nationale; 3.) Documents Administratifs; 4.) Impressions; 5.) Avis et Rapports du Conseil Economique et Social. The indexes (Tables) are published annually.

Collection de Documents Inédits Sur l'Histoire Économique de la Révolution Française

This is a microfiche collection of printed documents on the social and economic conditions prevalent in France preceding and during the revolution of 1789. These documents were assembled by eminent historians and published in Paris, 190653. The documents include the “cahiers de doleances,” the minutes of committees on agriculture and commerce from 1789 to 1792, the “Biens Nationaux.”

CRL owns the first collection (1906-1952) of the "French Revolution" set from IDC (Brill).