Latin American Studies

Winter 2004-05 | Volume 24, Number 2 | Download PDF

Latin American Studies

President’s Message: Preserving Latin American Information and Heritage

Collecting and preserving Latin American archives and heritage materials and making them available to scholars since its founding in 1949, the Center is evolving new strategies to meet changing scholarly needs and behaviors.

Treinta Años de LAMP—A Brief Look Back

For 30 years the Latin American Microform Project (LAMP) has facilitated scholarly access to materials that are otherwise inaccessible due to location, environmental conditions, or bibliographic obscurity. This profile highlights the organization's development, widening network of contributors and collections, recent acquisitions, participating members, and more.

Assessing the Center’s Latin American Collection

This review of the Center's Latin American resources evaluates the extent of the collection and its content in comparison with other strong research library collections. The assessment also provides a summary of findings and recommendations for continued development of Latin American resources.

Resources for Latin American: Research Recent Acquisitions

An overview of recent Latin American acquisitions underscores the Center's support of cooperative resource building. The citations highlight acquisitions in four key areas: history and culture, social and economic history and politics, newspapers, and dissertations. It also includes a progress report on the effort to catalog its collection of 800,000-plus non-U.S., non-Canadian dissertations.

A poster produced in Greece, illustrating the worldwide support of the Zapatistas generated by using the Web.