Webinar: Medieval Resources

Event Logistics

Wednesday, March 09, 2011
1:00 to 2:00 p.m.
Mary Wilke - mwilke@crl.edu

Medieval studies, an interdisciplinary subject in the humanities, includes the study of western Europe c. 500–1500 and increasingly extends beyond. In this topical Webinar, CRL’s Mary Wilke, Jane Marie Pinzino (Florida State University), Susan Steuer (Western Michigan University), and Danielle Forster (University of Victoria) will discuss rare and significant medieval source materials, including manuscripts, dissertations, church records, census, deeds, wills, and ancient correspondence. They will look at medieval research sources available at CRL and other institutions worldwide, and examine current needs for support of this research.

This event is free for librarians and researchers at CRL institutions.

CRL hosts Webinars throughout the year on collections and services of interest to CRL libraries. For more information on our Webinar schedule, visit http://www.crl.edu/membership/make-most-your-crl-membership/webinars.