Dramatic Works

French drama; a comprehensive collection of French plays of the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries.

This microfiche collection eventually will include over 14,000 plays from the 17th-19th centuries, including standard editions in complete sets and textually significant editions, school texts, stage adaptations, translations, and poems and prose intended for dramatic presentation. The set is based on the following bibliography: Brenner, Clarence D. A Bibliographical list of plays in the French language, 1700-1789. The following work lists titles included in the 1957-1965 annual shipments: Thompson, Lawrence S. A bibliography of French plays on microcards.

Spanish drama.

Bibliography of Spanish plays on microcards. The complete set is expected to include about 12,000 Spanish, Catalonian, and South American plays from the 16th, 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries. This continuing project receives additional microcards periodically.

German drama.

This continuing project includes plays published from the 16th to the early 20th centuries. Opera libretti and translations of plays written in languages other than German are also included. From 1961 through 1985, the set was produced in microcard format; from 1986 to date, it is in microfiche. CRL receives additional titles in this set periodically. At its completion, the set will include 12,000–15,000 titles.