U.S. Census Office. 1st census, 1790. First census of the United States, 1790.
This set includes the population census schedules printed by the Bureau of the Census in 1907-1908. At the end of reel 3, the 1840 Census of Pensioners for Revolutionary of Military service has also been reproduced.
U.S. Federal population decennial census schedules, 1790-1930.
GUIDE: Federal population censuses, 1790-1890; a catalog of microfilm copies of the schedules. Inquire with CRL's Access Services Department
U.S. Bureau of the Census. Non-decennial census publications, 1790-1945.
GUIDE: U.S. Library of Congress. Census Library Project. Catalog of United States census publications, 1790-1945. Z7554.U5U62 [This is commonly cited as "Dubester."] United States census publications, 1820-1945 (exclusive of decennial census publications). [This is a final checklist from the publisher.] This collection reprints reports relating to specific censuses and all statistical publications issued by the Bureau of the Census, except for those relating to decennial censuses. Request reports by the item number from Dubester.
State censuses : an annotated bibliography of censuses of population taken after the year 1790 by states and territories of the United States.
Reprints published state censuses listed in the guide above (commonly cited as "Dubester") generally through 1945. Set arranged by state, then chronologically.
Soviet Union. Tsentral'noe statisticheskoe upravlenie. Otdel perepisi. Vsesoiuznaia perepis' naseleniia 1926 goda.
The 1926 census was the first to be taken of the Russian area after 1897. Volumes 1–51 are geographic; volumes 52–56 are topical. The catalog record for the microfilm set lists the title for each volume.
Soviet Union. Tsentral'noe statisticheskoe upravlenie. Otdel perepisi. Vsesoiuznaia perepis' naseleniia 17 dekabria 1926 g. Kratkie svodki.
This is a one-volume (10 parts) summary of the results of the 1926 Russian census.
Soviet Union. Tsentral'noe statisticheskoe upravlenie. Otdel perepisi. Sbornik proektov programm Vsesoiuznoi perepisi 1926 goda.
This reel of microfilm reproduces two volumes that provide information on the questionnaires used and the methods of processing the information for the 1926 Russian census.
Soviet Union. Tsentral'noe statisticheskoe upravlenie. Itogi Vsesoiuznoe perepisi naseleniia 1970 goda.
This is the original 1970 census of population. The catalog records lists the title for each volume.
Soviet Union. Tsentral'noe statisticheskoe upravlenie. Itogi Vsesoiuznoe perepisi naseleniia 1959 goda.
This is a reprint of the 16 volumes 1963 edition published by Gosstatizdat. The catalog record for the reprint set lists the title for each volume.