CAMP Guides to Collections
This page describes selected highlights of the CAMP collection. It does not represent the complete holdings of CAMP, but rather a representative description of some of the items in the collection. For access to all of CAMP's holdings, please search the CRL Catalog.
General/Multiple Regions
African military accounts and handbooks for British colonial Africa
War Office route books, military reports and information precis for British Africa. Titles are catalogued individually.
Catalog Record
African Studies Association Annual Meeting Papers [1960-1994]
African Training and Research Centre for Women of the Economic Commission of Africa
The African Training and Research Centre for Women (Centre africain de recherche et de formation pour les femmes) was created on 31 March 1975 by the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa for the purpose of aiding and encouraging member states of the ECA to promote the integration of women (particularly rural and poor urban women) in development by improving the skills of women and the opportunities available to them and by, inter alia, undertaking research on African women.
Annual Departmental Reports relating to African countries prior to independence
CAMP holds several series of Annual Departmental Reports for various African countries prior to the time of independence. These series, as well as Government Publications from the same era, are listed on the attached guide.
Church Missionary Society Archives
276 reels of material, including Missions in Niger, Kenya, Sudan, Nyanza, Yoruba, and others.
Catalog Record Guide
Dennis Duerden collection of sound recordings relating to African novelists, poets, playwrights, artists and musicians; African history, politics, and social questions
CAMP has digitized the transcripts of many of the sound recordings in this collection compiled by Dennis Duerden. The sound recordings are held at the Archives of Traditional Music at Indiana University. This collection contains interviews with many African authors and artists from the 1960s.
Digital collection - guide
Documents on African Political History, 1938-1970
Compiled by Ruth Schachter Morganthau, these documents contain political party materials (1945-1963) and government documents (1938-1970) of various African countries.
Catalog Record
Government publications relating to African countries prior to independence
CAMP holds several series of Government Publications for various African countries prior to the time of independence. These series, as well as Annual Department Reports from the same era, are listed on the attached guide.
Guide (Catalog Record to the collection)
Paris Evangelical Missionary Society Archives, 1822-1947
CAMP purchased this complete microfiche collection from IDC. It contains incoming correspondence from the missionary fields in Algeria, Cameroun, Congo-Gabon, Lesotho, Madagascar, Senegal, Togo and Zambia.
Catalog Record Guide
Social Message Film and Video in Africa
This reel of microfilm contains materials related to the production, distribution and use of a particular type of film or video produced in Africa. Variously called 'social message' films, 'social issue' videos, or even 'edutainment', these materials attempt to present current social problems in a manner that will engage an audience and inspire discussion.
Catalog Record (guide is included)
Immanuel Wallerstein Collection of Political Ephemera
This collection contains political ephemera from the 1950s through the 1970s from Lusophone and Anglophone Africa.
Catalog Record (guides are included)
Central Africa
Angolan Papers of David Grenfell
This reel of microfilm contains documents collected and reports written by Grenfell while working with Angolan refugees in Zaire in 1961-1969.
Catalog Record
Bartlett Collection of African Political Ephemera, 1958-1966
This collection consists of pamphlets, newspapers, typescripts, etc., issued in or about the Congo (Kinshasa), especially Katanga Province; also Rhodesia, Algeria, and Ivory Coast.
Catalog Record
Belgian Congo Political Ephemera: The Herbert J. Weiss Collection
Rare political ephemera (covering primarily 1959-1961), including files of rare newspapers and serials, private letters, police reports, debates of provincial legislatures, and government reports.
Catalog Record
Cameroun Political Ephemera, 1952-1961
Collected by David Gardinier and Victor Le Vine
Catalog Record Guide
Cameroun Political Ephemera, 1954-1963
Collected by Claude Welch
Catalog Record (guide is included)
Collection of booklets and pamphlets obtained in 1965-1966 in the Lower Congo [Kikongo material]
Collected by John Janzen
Catalog Record Guide
[Documents relatifs à l'histoire de la Belgique et du Congo conservés au "Public Records Office" à Londres, 1866-1903]
[Papiers privés relatifs à l'histoire du Congo conservés à la School of Oriental and African Studies de l'Université de Londres et au British Museum]
Includes portions of the correspondence of Sir William Mackinnon (1823-1893), who was co-founder of the British India Steam Navigation Company in 1862; Chairman of the Imperial British East Africa Company starting in 1883 and promoter of an expedition for the relief of Emin Pasha in 1886.
Catalog Record Guide
Papiers Morel
Edmund Dene Morel was born in Paris on 15th July, 1873. His concern for damage that Britain was doing to African culture led him to his work as a journalist for the newspaper West Africa and later to found his own paper, the West African Mail.
Catalog Record Guide
Pamphlets on the Congo
Universities' Mission to Central Africa
Correspondence and documents relating to the founding members and succeeding bishops of U.M.C.A. From the Archives of the United Society for the Propogation of the Gospel.
Catalog Record Guide
Zaire Colonial Documents
De Ryck collection of material on general administration, Equateur, Kivu, and Ruanda-Urundi.
Catalog Record Guide
Eastern Africa
East African Swahili Committee
This collection contains various publications from the East African Swahili Committee. It is contained on three microfilm reels and the items are cataloged individually.
Catalog Records Guide
Microfilms Relating to Eastern Africa
Microfilm set filmed by the Kenya National Archives and indexed by Syracuse University.
Catalog Record Catalog Record for Complete Guide Guide
Rhodesia and Nyasaland Political Ephemera, 1956-1963
Documents of the United National Independence Party
Catalog Record (guide is included)
Rwandan Archival Material, 1916-1919
Miscellaneous official correspondence, memoranda, etc. relating to the establishment of the Belgian administration
Catalog Record (guide in included)
Rwandan Archival Material, 1925-1941
Official correspondence on boundaries, chiefs, etc
Catalog Record (guide is included) - digital collection
Somalia Newspapers and Reports [1991- ]
Somalia Newspapers, Post-Barre Period, Part I
Somalia Newspapers, Post-Barre Period, Part II
Somalia Reports, Post-Barre Period, Part I
Somalia Reports, Post-Barre Period, Part II
Somalia Reports, Post-Barre Period, Part III
Northern Africa
Bonfanti Collection of Materials relating to the Southern Sudan, 1956-71
Lobban Compilation of materials relating to Sudan, 1969-1972
Southern Africa
Abdullah Abdurahman Family Papers, 1906-1962
The Abdullah Abdurahman Family Papers contain materials from three members of the family; papers of Abdullah Abdurahman (1872-1940), physician and political leader, and his wife, Mrs. Helen Abdurahman (1877?-1953), comprise half of the material, and those of Dr. and Mrs. Abdurahman' s daughter, Mrs. Zainunnissa Gool ( -1963), political leader, comprise the other half.
Despite gaps, the Abdullah Abdurahman Family Papers provide an historical view of the Coloured population’s struggle for political and economic equality in South Africa. Of special importance are the records reflecting Dr. Abdurahman' s involvement in the African People's Organization, the Cape Town City Council, and the Cape Provincial Council, and Mrs. Gool's involvement in the National Liberation League, the Non-European United Front, the Passive Resistance Movement and the Cape Town City Council. A few items relating to Mrs. Helen Abdurahman's civic and political activities are in the collection.
Catalog Record Guide
Assorted Rhodesian and Southern African Pamphlets
Auden House Collection
Pamphlets, memoranda, minutes, etc., relating to the ANC, SACTU, SACPO, NIYC, and other groups
Catalog Record Guide
Black Sash Papers
CAMP has three collections relating to the Black Sash Society, formerly the Women's Defense of the Constitution League, organized in 1955 to "maintain a bridge of sympathy and understanding between the various racial groups in the country, ... to mitigate the inhuman effects of the implementation of Apartheid" and "to keep alive a spirit of dissent." In some cases, these collections may overlap.
Guide to all three collections
Papers, 1955-1970 Catalog Record
Papers, 1955-1973 Catalog Record
Papers, 1955-1977 Catalog Record
Boer War: Miscellaneous Pamphlets published in Great Britain and the United States, 1899-1902
Carter-Karis Collection
Microfilm of documents deposited in the Melville J. Herskovits Africana collection of Northwestern University Library. The bulk of the material was issued by African, Indian, and Coloured political, cultural, and labor organizations. It includes the personal papers of A. W. G. Champion and Z. K. Matthews. A small part of these document has been published as: From Protest to Challenge: a Documentary History of African Politics, 1882-1964, edited by Thomas Karis (Stanford: Hoover Institution Press, 1972-1977).
Catalog Record Guide
Corruption and Governance in South Africa
This collection of approximately 11,000 pages covers the period 1995 – 2006, and includes interviews, conference proceedings, commissions of inquiry, surveys, and expert testimony from South Africa on corruption and governance related issues. The documents were collected by Marianne Camerer for her doctoral dissertation, entitled “Testing the System – Democracy on Trial: Corruption and Reform in Democratic South Africa.” For over six years (1995 – 2002) Camerer was a researcher at the Institute for Security Studies in South Africa where she set up the corruption and governance program. She consulted for the United Nations before moving to Washington DC in January 2003 to direct the Global Integrity Project.
Catalog Record Guide
Eileen Haddon Collection of Southern Rhodesia archives, manuscripts, and documents
Eileen Haddon was a journalist and activist of social change in South Africa and Southern Rhodesia (Zimbabwe). She co-founded the Interracial Association of Southern Rhodesia, which she chaired for many years. In 1960, Eileen Haddon joined the Central African Examiner, becoming its editor two years later. Her papers were microfilmed by CAMP in 1972.
Catalog Record Guide
Group Areas Papers, 1940-1968
Papers relating to Asiatic Land Tenure Laws. Group Areas amendments, Natal Indian Congress, Durban Group Areas Acts, Pietermaritzburg, and others. Microfilm of originals in South African Institute of Race Relations.
Catalog Record Guide
Johns Collection of Anti-Apartheid Material
Issued by various groups (S.A. Congress of Democrats, African Peoples Organisation, Communist League of S.A.) and select newspaper issues.
Catalog Record Guide
Karis-Gerhart Collection
South African Political Materials 1964-1990 which were assembled in the process of writing volumes 5, 6, and 7 of From Protest to Challenge: a Documentary History of African Politics in South Africa 1882-1990.
Catalog Record Guide
Leo Kuper Papers, 1952-1966
The collection is composed of one folder of correspondence and 21 boxes of materials relating to the research conducted between 1957 and 1963 for Leo Kuper's study of "An African Bourgeoisie". Kuper, assisted by two research assistants, conducted interviews with more than one hundred members of South Africa's black professional class, including doctors, lawyers, civil servants, teachers, ministers, nurses and businessmen, whom Kuper identifies as "traders." These interviews, and the more general reading notes and newspaper files, comprise the basic document collection upon which Kuper's sociological analysis of South Africa's black middle class rested. The transcriptions of the interviews suggest that Kuper was primarily interested in the issues of mobility, freedom and perceived social status, and the relation of these concepts to South Africa's aparthied racial system.
Catalog Record Guide
Mangosuthu G. Buthelezi speeches, 1972-1978
This collection of unpublished speeches by Mangosuthu G. Buthelezi was contributed from the holdings of Indiana University. Contained on two reels of microfilm, the collection of speeches made between 1972 and 1978 has been indexed to enhance discovery.
Buthelezi is a South African politician and he founded the Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP) in 1975.
Catalog Record (guide is included)
Molema Collection of Ephemera related to the African National Congress
The material contained on this microfilm reel is presumed to have been collected by Dr. Silas Modiri Molema. It contains minutes and programs of the Congress, photographs, newspaper clippings, correspondence, receipts, publications, etc.
Catalog Record (guide is included)
Pan-Africanist Congress of South Africa
Material on seven reels of microfilm from 1944-1979 from the collection of Gail M. Gerhart. The collection includes photocopied typescript speeches and articles, newspaper clippings, transcripts and printed speeches, bibliographies, etc.
Catalog Record (guide is included)
Pogrund Collection of Southern Africa Materials
This list contains the CAMP collections made possible through the collection efforts of Benjamin Pogrund. Mr. Pogrund was born in South Africa in 1933 and spent many years as a distinguished journalist and is remembered for his outstanding contributions to preserving extensive primary source material on Africa that is now available to scholars through CAMP's collections.
South Africa; a collection of miscellaneous documents, 1902-1963
This is a collection of a wide variety of documents collected by the Hoover Institution on War, Revolution, and Peace at Stanford University. The material is in English, Afrikaans, and other languages. This sixteen reel set of microfilm includes information on politics, government, and race relations in South Africa.
Catalog Record Guide
South African Indian Pamphlets [1914; 1934-1944]
SWAPO Documents of Dr. Peter Katjavivi
Consists of documents ranging from 1965-1988 about the South West Africa People's Organization. Documents include SWAPO reports, speeches, press releases, journals and pamphlets, correspondence and internal documents.
Catalog Record Guide
Trial Transcripts and Evidence
CAMP has acquired numerous trial transcripts from political trials in South Africa, including the Treason Trial (1956-1961), Rivonia Trial (1963-1964) and the Steve Biko Inquest (1977).
Western Africa
Cahiers Ecole William Ponty
Ecole William Ponty began in 1903 as the Ecole normale d'instituteurs and was the first institution of higher learning in French West Africa. It was renamed Ecole William Ponty in 1915 in honor of the Governor General. The school is now located at Thies near Dakar, Senegal.
All of the papers in this collection appear to be summer assignments of the school's students from the Ivory Coast. All papers are illustrated. Topics include agriculture, marriage, commerce, nutrition, games, and family.
Catalog Record Guide Ivorian Cahiers Ponty Comparative Inventory
C. Abayomi Cassell collection
Collection of miscellaneous Liberian government documents, including acts passed by the Liberian legislature, 1888-1908, and annual messages of the President, 1879-1916. Also included are samples of Liberian newspapers published between 1898 and 1971.
Catalog Record Guide
Catalogue of Nigerian Pamphlets on Microfilm
Fonds du Cercle de Kayes, Mali, 1932-1959
This collection remains in Mali, although CAMP and other partners supported the organizing of the material in 2010. CAMP received a copy of the finding aid, but does not own a copy of the material.
Intelligence Reports on Southern Nigeria
A collection of unpublished reports prepared by British colonial offices in the 1930s and 1940s. Contains 16 microfilm reels.
Catalog Record Guide
Martens Collection of Upper Volta political and other ephemera
Political, ethnographic, religious, economic and social material. Ouagadougou, Upper Volta, 1954-1966.
Catalog Record Guide
Nigerian State Government Documents
Collection of miscellaneous government documents issued by Nigeria's Plateau and Anambra states published primarily in 1970-2009. Includes speeches; pamphlets; annual reports of ministries and commissions; statistical bulletins; budget estimates and approved budgets; "Government views and decisions"; white papers; and other items.
Anambra state: Catalog Record Guide
Plateau state: Catalog Record (guide is included)
Onitsha Market Literature
Onitsha market literature was a form of popular press in Nigeria consisting of indigenously published pamphlets that contained stories, plays, advice, moral discourses, and other forms of popular literature.
Catalog Record Guide
The Albert Porte Papers
A collection of personal documents, manuscripts, pamphlets, and leaflets of Albert Porte, a Liberian political journalist. Also includes Porte's extensive collection of Liberian newspapers.
Catalog Record Guide
Selected Pamphlets on Benin
Timbuktu Manuscript Digitization Project
Private collection at the Bibliotheque Commemorative Mama Haidara in Timbuktu, Mail of 19th century manuscripts relating to slavery and manumission in Timbuktu. The materials, in Arabic, provide documentation on Africans in slavery in Muslim societies.
Access to the digital collection
Upper Volta. Collection of government documents, mainly economic and statistical
Twenty-five goverment documents, mostly from the 1950s and 1960s on three microfilm reels.
Catalog Record Guide
Upper Volta. Organismes régionaux de développement. Rapports
Set of eleven reports of various Upper Volta regional development organizations issued 1972-1973. Titles are also cataloged individually.
Catalog Record Guide
West African Political Ephemera, 1948-1962
Ivor Wilks-Phyllis Ferguson collection of material on Ghana
Includes material on Kwame Nkrumah, Moses Danquah, and publications on Ghana both before and after 1966.
Access to the digital collection Guide