Organizational Archives and Papers

Papers of the NAACP. Part 5, The campaign against residential segregation, 1914-1955

Covers NAACP's efforts to oppose the legal and extralegal means used in many areas to accomplish residential segregation. Part 5 makes available the complete files on cases and topics related to housing: segregation ordinances, restrictive covenants, discriminatory zoning ordinances, violence and mob actions against blacks, and discrimination in federal housing programs.

Papers of the NAACP. Part 3, The campaign for educational equality

Series A: Legal Department and Central Office Records, 1913-1940 and Series B: Legal Department and Central Office Records, 1940-1950 focus on the legal battle to achieve unrestricted access to the best available education.

Series C: Legal Department and Central Office Records, 1951-1955 contains files on the subject of education for the period between 1951 and 1955.The NAACP secured the landmark constitutional ruling in Brown v. Board of Education in 1954 and moved aggressively to integrate America's public schools.

Papers of the NAACP. Part 2, Personal correspondence of selected NAACP officials, 1919-1939

Personal correspondence of selected NAACP officials, 1919-1939.

"The largest selections are those pertaining to Thurgood Marshall and Walter White, the NAACP's special assistant counsel and executive secretary, respectively. Other officials represented are special counsel Charles Houston, special assistant to the secretary Juanita Jackson, executive secretary James Weldon Johnson, branch coordinator E. Frederick Morrow, board of directors chair Mary White Ovington, field secretary Dr. William Pickens, and assistant executive secretary Roy Wilkins." (ProQuest website).