CIFNAL, the Collaborative Initiative for French Language Collections, was founded in 2006 to promote and facilitate the cooperative exchange of ideas and resources between Francophone and North American research libraries.
CIFNAL is made possible through the support of the Center for Research Libraries, which serves as its administrative, fiscal, and legal agent.
CIFNAL's initial goals are to:
CIFNAL has entered consortial agreements for electronic products [1] critical to the study of the French language and to conduct research on French scholarship. These include Le Grand Robert, CAIRN, and the Electronic Enlightenment.
In addition, CIFNAL has also undertaken the following projects:
CIFNAL welcomes new members, at the institutional or individual level, whether or not they are members of CRL.
Members can find other information related to the ongoing work of CIFNAL in the Workspace [11].
The Center for Research Libraries [17] (CRL) offers excellent resources in literature, history, and cultural studies from a number of Francophone countries. The goals of the Global Resources Network [18] (GRN) focus on facilitating and enriching access to international collections. By joining the Global Resources Network of the Center for Research Libraries, CIFNAL engages in a collaborative partnership that promises to make a wider range of information resources and to support and strengthen scholarship in Francophone studies. Following its participation in the Conference of the Association Internationale Francophone des Bibliothécaires et Documentalistes [19] (AIFBD) in August 2008, CIFNAL began to develop collaborative relationships with Francophone partners outside of North America.
The name of the body is the CIFNAL: Collaborative Initiative for French Language Collections/Collectif international des fonds documentaires en langue française. CIFNAL is an unincorporated association, with the Center for Research Libraries (CRL) acting in the capacity of fiscal and legal agent.
The purpose of CIFNAL is to improve access to French and francophone resources for North American libraries and to North American resources for francophone libraries; promote collaboration and resource sharing among North American libraries; make collections more interconnected; promote collaboration and resource sharing between North American and francophone libraries.
Amendments to the bylaws may be proposed by any Institutional Member of CIFNAL. Amendments must be submitted in writing and shall be considered by the Member Representatives at the next membership meeting. A simple majority vote ensures the placement of the proposed amendment on a mail ballot.
Amendments to the bylaws shall be conducted by mail or electronic ballot. A proposed amendment is considered adopted if it receives a two-thirds affirmative vote from voting Member Representatives. The Chair shall arrange to add the adopted amendment to the official copies of the bylaws.
These bylaws shall come into force upon adoption by a two-thirds affirmative vote from voting Institutional Members.
The CIFNAL project began with a March 2004 resolution of the International Conference “Migrations, Society, Culture, and the Library,” sponsored by the Association of College and Research Libraries Western European Studies Section (ACRL-WESS) in Paris. Encouraged by successful models in GRN’s global projects, the Ad Hoc Committee of ACRL-WESS [23] established a working group in June 2004 to address the challenges of increasingly interconnected global cultures and the resultant demand for access to print and electronic French-language resources irrespective of borders. Although interest in all Francophone areas of the world is strong, the group decided to concentrate initially on establishing contacts with partners in France.
The group put forward a set of strategic goals and detailed plans to launch activities in three areas: establish collaborative activities among French and North-American libraries; identify French institutional partners; and explore potential sources of funding to support cooperative activities. The Global Resources Network Advisory Committee endorsed the Ad Hoc Committee’s proposal in March 2005.
A steering committee was created in fall 2005 and charged with setting out the agenda and development plan for the project: Sarah Wenzel (chair), Tom Kilton (past chair), Jeffry Larson (French Partners Working Group coordinator), Sarah Sussman (Potential Sources of Funding Working Group coordinator), and Kati Radics (Goals Working Group coordinator).
CIFNAL [24] incorporated at the 2006 meeting of the American Library Association with the approval of a mission statement and bylaws.
Some of CIFNAL’s early activity included the establishment of the Bibliothèque Bleue [5] project, licensing of French-language databases for its members and participation in the August 2008 AIFBD conference in Montreal [25].
Claude Potts of the University of California, Berkeley gave a presentation about CIFNAL's history at the October 2017 event "New Directions for Libraries, Scholars, and Partnerships: an International Symposium [4]". His presentation is available at [26]
The Global Resources Network [28], based at the Center for Research Libraries [17], welcomes the active participation of North American and Francophone libraries wishing to further the goals of CIFNAL.
CRL asks that a library formally join the project if one or more of its staff are interested in participating in CIFNAL activities and in furthering its goals. The level of involvement depends on the degree to which individual institutions wish to devote staff resources to furthering the goals of the project. As with any collaborative endeavor, the success of CIFNAL depends on institutional commitment and active participation.
Institutions wishing to become involved in the Cooperative Initiative for French and North American Libraries should fill out the Participant Agreement for Institutions. As of FY22, Institutional Members of CIFNAL pay an annual membership fee. The fee is U.S. $250 per year for institutions that are members of the Center for Research Libraries (CRL); the fee is U.S. $350 per year for institutions that are not CRL members.
Individuals who work at institutions that are not institutional members may join CIFNAL by filling out the Individual Participant Agreement. There is no membership fee for Individual Members of CIFNAL.
The opportunity for an institution to participate in digitizing decisions and priorities of ARTFL while supporting its growth is possible through the Sustaining Member Program [29]. Sustaining institutions will also be given the texts digitized under this program.
To learn more about CIFNAL, please contact Marlies Bauhofer [30].
To join the CIFNAL listserv, please e-mail Marlies Bauhofer [30] with your full name, e-mail address, and institutional affiliation.
CIFNAL and ARTFL [32] have been building a strong collaborative relationship since the beginnings of CIFNAL. Early on, ARTFL donated $10,000 and gifts in kind of staff labor to digitize the Bibliothèque bleue [33].
At the 2007 Annual ALA Meeting, it was proposed that ARTFL create a new category of subscribing institutions—sustaining members—who would contribute to decision-making and prioritizing at ARTFL. These members will have input into projects, text selection, priorities for text clean-up, etc. Sustaining institutions will also be given the texts digitized under this program. In exchange, sustaining members contribute a higher fee to ARTFL when their subscriptions renew. CIFNAL will coordinate the process of soliciting and delivering feedback to ARTFL.
If your institution is interested in becoming a sustaining member, please send the signed Supplement to the existing Sustaining Member Agreement [34] to:
The ARTFL Project
Department of Romance Languages and Literatures
University of Chicago
1115 East 58th Street
Chicago, IL 60637
If you have any questions, please contact artfl[at]artfl[dot]uchicago[dot]edu [35]
Meeting Minutes and other information related to the ongoing work of CIFNAL may be found in the CIFNAL Workspace [11].
The CIFNAL Workspace is a wiki tool that members can access to review and edit or add content. It is open to CIFNAL Members only. Contact [20] the CRL representative for information on access to the Workspace.
CIFNAL shall be managed by a Steering Committee comprised of elected representatives from the membership.
The Steering Committee is empowered to conduct the business of CIFNAL in accordance with the recommendations of the membership; approve and enact project activities; discuss and recommend future policy or changes in policy to be adopted by the membership; make budgetary decisions for CIFNAL; approach funding agencies; conduct periodic membership drives; and maintain communication with scholarly and professional associations as well as with other, similar cooperative projects.
CIFNAL Chair (2023-2026): Claude Potts (University of California, Berkeley)
Secretary (2023-2026): Emma Popowich, University of Manitoba
Members-at-Large (2023-2025):
Paula Carns, University of Illinois at Urban-Champaign
Joanneke Fleischauer (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
Members-at-Large (2022-2024):
Laura Martin, University of Wisconsin Madison
Jessica Grzegorski, Newberry Library
Engaging Francophone Partners Working Group Chair (2023-2025):
Hélène Huet, University of Florida
Collection Development Working Group Chair (2023-2025):
Monica Moore, University of Notre Dame
Ex Officio Member:
Marlies Bauhofer, Center for Research Libraries
CIFNAL Steering Committee Meeting Minutes and other information related to the ongoing work of the CIFNAL Steering Committee can be found in the CIFNAL Steering Committee Workspace [38]. Meeting Minutes of the CIFNAL Members Meetings and other information related to CIFNAL can be found in the CIFNAL Workspace [11]. The CIFNAL Workspaces are wiki tools that members can access to review and edit or add content. They are open only to CIFNAL Members. Contact [20] the CRL representative Marlies Bauhofer [39] for information on access to the Workspace.
Project Chair: Claude Potts University of California, Berkeley
For general information about CIFNAL, please contact:
Marlies Bauhofer [30]
Collections Services Librarian
The Center for Research Libraries
6050 South Kenwood Avenue
Chicago, IL 60637-2804
To join the CIFNAL listserv, please e-mail Marlies Bauhofer [41] with your full name, email address, and institutional affiliation.
Access this resource [45]
CIFNAL and ARTFL (University of Chicago) are collaborating with the Médiathèque de l’agglomération troyenne (MAT) to add text-searching and analysis capabilities to its collection of the Bibliothèque Bleue. The project aims to create a searchable digital library of chapbooks from France printed in the 17th to the early 19th centuries. ARTFL has generously provided the initial funding for this project.
Bibliothèque Bleue [33] is characterized as works of popular literature—fiction, popularized histories, advice manuals—printed in France on inexpensive blue paper and sold by itinerant vendors on the streets. MAT (the municipal library of Troyes) has one of the most important collections of works of this genre. Its collection contains more than 2,500 works, almost 700 of which were printed in Troyes.
MAT has begun to digitize these works, and has contributed nearly 300 texts for marking up by CIFNAL/ARTFL. To date, ARTFL has created double-keyed and tagged texts of 116 titles, using TEI-light encoding and incorporating into ARTFL’s PhiloLogic database. The texts are available at: [33].
Coordinators: Sarah Sussman (Stanford), Mark Olsen and Robert Morrissey (ARTFL), Monsieur Thierry Delcourt (MAT).
For more information about the Médiathèque de l’agglomération troyenne and its collections and projects, please visit [46]
In accordance with a memorandum of understanding between CIFNAL and the Digital Library of the Caribbean [48] (dLOC), the goal of this project is to work together to improve and increase electronic access to francophone documents. These may represent collections located in the French Caribbean or outside of the French Caribbean with a focus on this region.
Currently collaborating with the Haitian National Archives and other cultural collections in Haiti, dLOC and its francophone partners have concluded historic agreements to preserve and expand access to vital documents and materials. The success of the dLOC model is based on mutual international cooperation. CIFNAL members will bring additional linguistic and cultural assets to help dLOC reach out to new French-speaking partners.
Specifically, the two groups will work together to address needs related to:
This is an excellent time to begin volunteering time to the project and there are many ways your expertise can help. Whether working on collection development projects or helping assure the quality of the dLOC web site and its French language content and OCR data, there are a myriad of ways to get involved today. One of the easiest is simply to sign up for a MYdLOC account which will allow you to submit new materials online to the digital library and also add and edit metadata directly. Please sign up today at the following address: [49]
CIFNAL members who have questions about this project should contact Hélène Huet [50].
This project aims to identify, locate, and publicize major sets of microfilm pertaining to the history, culture, language, and literature of France and francophone countries. The selected microfilm resources have significant research value and reflect holdings in European and North American libraries and archives.
This list can be found on the French Microform Sets page [52] of the European Studies Section Libguides [53].
This project was coordinated by Ceres Birkhead, University of Utah.
Please contact CIFNAL [20] for additional information.
Coordinator: Collection Development Working Group
This project has created and will sustain a database and map of very strong French and Francophone collections at institutions in the United States and Canada. The initial database was compiled by Anne-Charlotte Pivot, an intern from ENSSIB in 2017. Anne-Charlotte prepared a detailed explanation of the rationale behind the project and how to best use the database, which is available in both English and French. [55]
Launched in 2022, CIFNAL's Engaging Francophone Partners Working Group developed its 'Speaker Series,' designed to connect CIFNAL members and interested parties with vendors, librarians, scholars, and bibliographers in the area of French and Francophone studies. Videos from each talk are available below.
Kathia Ibacache
Access to The Haitian Zombie in Academic Collections
May 31, 2024 - 1-2 EST Watch here [57]
CRL negotiates on behalf of CIFNAL institutions to license specialized French-language databases for members of CIFNAL. The CIFNAL Collection Development Working Group [68] plays an active roled in identifying databases of interest to CIFNAL and identifying the subscription terms that would be acceptable to CIFNAL institutions.
More details about each of these offers can be found in eDesiderata [69]. Access to offer information on eDesiderata is available only to logged-in members.
CIFNAL currently facilitates subscriptions for its members for the electronic resources listed below:
Created in September 2005 by four French-language academic publishers (Belin, De Boeck, La Découverte and Erès) and with the cooperation of the National Library of France and the National Book Center of France, Cairn [70] offers the most comprehensive collection of recent issues of French and Belgian journals in the humanities and social sciences available online. Cairn's collections go back as far as 2001 for some titles. Subscribing institutions may select one of several packages offered.
The publishing house Classiques Garnier was established in 1833 to provide edited editions of classical, French, and worldwide literature. Series of critical essays in the humanities and social sciences were introduced in 1896. The first electronic content was offered in 1985, with a new series of electronic editions launched in 1998. Online resources available currently from Classiques Garnier Numérique [71] include databases of primary source texts, classic works of criticism, and dictionaries.
Electronic Enlightenment [72] is a full-text database of 18th-century primary sources from key figures of the Enlightenment. Contains texts from nearly 6,000 correspondents, 53,000 letters and documents, and nearly 230,000 critical annotations taken from major printed editions of correspondence from academic presses worldwide.
Érudit [73] is a publishing platform for scholarly and cultural journals, books, proceedings, theses, documents, and data developed by a nonprofit Canadian publishing consortium founded in 1998. Archival runs of journal publications published prior to a moving wall of current content are available through open access, while the remainder is available through subscription.
Le Grand Robert [74] contains the entirety of the Grand Robert de la Langue Française in 6 volumes (his last edition). The online version makes accessible the 100,000 word definitions and 325,000 quotations from this prestigious dictionary.
The L’Harmathèque [75]'s platform offers a large volume of content in the form of ebooks, articles, videos, and audio recordings on many subjects in the humanities and social sciences. One notable subject area is Africana.The content of the ebooks comes from a variety of French publishing imprints, including L’Harmattan, Pagala, Odin, and IXE.
In 2012, the long-established Klapp bibliography of French literature was converted into a database covering the years 1991–2011, presented as Klapp-Online [76]. Annual updates will be released each fall, integrated with the cumulative coverage. The publishers plan to continue with annual printed volumes as well.
The Numérique Premium [77] platform including ebooks from 70 French-speaking publishers and societies. The database is offered as an annual subscription or a one-off purchase for chosen thematic collections. It provides access to secondary works and some compilations of source materials in both “humanities and social sciences.”
OpenEdition [78] serves the humanities and social sciences research communities through four publication and information platforms: OpenEdition Books (books series), (scientific journals), Calenda, (academic announcements), and Hypotheses (research blogs). In 2015, all platforms receive 5 million visitors per month from all around the world. OpenEdition is developed by the Centre for Open Electronic Publishing (Cleo), a non-profit public initiative promoting Open Access academic publishing, with the support of the main French research institutions. Since 2011, OpenEdition is complemented by a Freemium programme addressing libraries’ specific needs in a variety of formats and services.
Some offers may be exclusive to CIFNAL members. Institutions are encouraged to join CIFNAL [79].
The Collaborative Initiative for French Language Collections (CIFNAL) participated in a planning grant to investigate digitization and cataloging of French Revolution Era Pamphlets. The original intent was to create a catalog that would be a database resource able to link users to full-text, digital facsimiles of French pamphlets made accessible by CIFNAL member institutions, international partner collections, and other freely accessible digital library collections, such as the Bibliothèque Nationale de France’s Gallica collection.
A core group of interested CIFNAL members participated in the project, which was led by librarians at the University of Florida. Project partners discussed many challenges and options for enhancing discoverability of French Pamphlets. Several of the project participants conducted environmental scans of their French Pamphlet collections, and a small amount of funding was provided to the Newberry Library and the University of Maryland library to digitize additional pamphlets and test workflows.
For more information, Contact CIFNAL [20].
Potts, Claude H. “CIFNAL: A Decade of Collaboration, 2006-2016 [83].” New Directions for Libraries, Scholars, and Partnerships: an International Symposium, 13 October 2017, German National Library - Deutsche Nationalbibliothek. Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Retrieved from [26]
Sarah Sussman, "Les collections francophones en Amérique du Nord," [84]Bulletin des Bibliothèques de France [85], 2012 - t. 57, n° 6
French North American Resources Partnership [86] submitted to CRL in March 2005.
Thomas D. Kilton, "French American Resources Project" [87], delivered in Paris on March 24, 2004, at the WESS European Conference “Migrations in Society, Culture, and the Library.” Published in “Migrations in Society, Culture, and the Library” (Chicago: ACRL 2005, 275–81).
The “Collection Development” Working Group directly supports the mission of the Global Resources Network (GRN) by facilitating access to research and scholarly collections in the French language from around the world.
Financial and technological factors more than ever place a tremendous amount of stress on libraries’ operations and specifically on collection development budgets. The cost of unique, rare or unusual materials which are at the heart of scholarly research undertaken by faculty, researchers, graduate students, postgraduate and emerging scholars is becoming increasingly prohibitive.
Through its activities and collaboration with francophone partners, the Collection Development Working Group will establish a framework for developing strategies and initiate projects to foster the growth of and increase to access to French language print and electronic collections and lead to more effective collaboration among libraries.
Create and sustain a database and map of very strong French and Francophone collections at institutions in the United States and Canada. The initial database was compiled by Anne-Charlotte Pivot, an intern from ENSSIB in 2017. Anne-Charlotte prepared a detailed explanation of the rationale behind the project and how to best use the database, which is available in both English and French. [55]
The Working Group “Engaging Francophone Partners” recruits members from higher education and research institutions in francophone countries. Efforts specifically target colleagues outside of North America, who may join either at the individual or the institutional level.
Documentation and member lists for CIFNAL’s Working Groups can be found in the CIFNAL Workspace [11].
The CIFNAL Workspace is a wiki tool that members can access to review and edit or add content. It is open only to CIFNAL Members. Contact [20] the CRL representative for information on access to the Workspace.
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