CRL has implemented Shibboleth to allow users - affiliated with CRL member institutions to access member-only resources from off-campus locations. Currently not all member institutions are configured to communicate with CRL via Shibboleth, but CRL will configure more institutions as they fulfill the following requirements:
- Belong to InCommon, a Shibboleth federation for which CRL is a registered service
- Enable communication with the CRL service provider
- Provide metadata with updated technical contact information in compliance with Shibboleth federation guidelines.
Benefits for end users
- Convenient Users will be able to access CRL member-only digital resources from an off-campus location
- Easy Users can use their institutional account in order to access CRL’s Digital Delivery system platform
- Safe Personal user data is not stored in our system except for the IP address of the user for reporting purposes.
Shibboleth Attributes
CRL’s Digital Delivery system provides access to all the users who can successfully authenticate through their Institutional account via Shibboleth. There is no mandatory shibboleth attribute required for the service. The entityID for the CRL Digital Delivery System (Service Provider) is
The attributes passed will be used solely for the delivery services and will not be distributed to third parties or saved in any databases.
Since each CRL member institution controls its own Shibboleth server, IT staff at the individual institutional libraries should contact CRL Systems staff if they wish to be added to the CRL DDS service Provider.
Besides Shibboleth, CRL also supports institutional Proxy servers. Users affiliated with CRL member institutions could also login with their institutional Proxy server to access CRL member-only resources from off-campus locations.