Shared Print Archiving:
Building the Collective Collection,
and a Print Safety Net
Charleston Conference 2011
November 2, 2011
9:00 – 9:05: Welcome (Sam Demas)
9:05 - 9:30: Overview of Current Collective Collections Initiatives (Lizanne Payne) [Payne slides]
The challenges we face in managing our print collections and the national and regional efforts under development to address those challenges.
9:30 – 10:30: Shaping the Collective Collection: Lightning Round I (Rick Lugg, timekeeper; Bob Kieft, discussion moderator)
A. Making the case (Rick Lugg) [Lugg slides]
B. Elements of a 21st century collection management plan (Sam Demas)
C. Archiving models: nodes/centralized vs distributed (Emily Stambaugh)
D. Collective archiving agreements, policy, requirements (Judy Russell) [Russell handout]
10:30 - 10:45: Break
10:45 - 11:45: Shaping the Collective Collection : Lightning Round II I (Rick Lugg, timekeeper; Bob Kieft, discussion moderator)
E. Information systems to support the work with collections comparisons, data quality, and large-scale weeding (John McDonald)
F. Archiving disclosure in metadata/catalog records (Kathryn Harnish) [Harnish slides
G. Prospective collection management and development (Michael Levine-Clark) [Levine-Clark slides]
H. The digital backbone of the collective collection (Rachel Frick)
11:45 - 12:15: Discussion.
Based on the morning’s work, set agenda for afternoon breakouts and case studies. What topics do you most want to pursue through examination of existing collaborative arrangements? (Bob Kieft)
12:15 - 1:00: Lunch
1:00 - 2:00: Breakout Sessions
Participants will select a discussion group representing a program suited to their interest in the topic: what will be required of my local library to participate in regional and national shared print programs? How do we prepare ourselves to participate and how do we go about stimulating and supporting efforts in our consortium, region, system? Discussion groups will be centered around the following programs, each representing a different focus for shared print cooperation. The number of groups will depend on the results of the morning discussion and the number of preconferees. (Sam Demas)
a. WEST--Payne, Stambaugh (academic libraries of all sizes, large-scale collaboration using local building blocks from existing consortia, journal archiving strategies, holdings data ingest and analysis to guide archiving decisions, governance structures and archiving agreements, archive disclosure protocols, distributed archiving)
b. ASERL/U of Florida--Russell, Levine-Clark (governance structures and archiving agreements, building on existing relationships and creating new ones, centralized and decentralized archiving, relationship of state and regional cooperatives, government documents)
c. Maine/MLAC--Demas, Guthro (state-based comprehensive multi-type print and electronic materials management, print on demand and ebooks as part of print collections strategy, governance and agreements, building on existing relationships and services, archive disclosure protocols)
d. Midwest Collaborative Library Services--Lugg, Way (: Monographs focus, data consolidation and comparison for multi-type library collection analysis, local deselection in a regional context, infrastructure for shared print monographs management, creating a new partnership, collaborating to evolve policies and practices, grassroots growth to state/multi-state)
e. Connect New York--Harloe, Kieft (cooperative ebook purchasing, small colleges, building on e-resource purchasing and resource-sharing to create deeper collaborations on other fronts, early stages of expanding on existing relationships, leadership needs)
2:00 - 2:45: Reporting back; plenary discussion of breakout conversations. (Bob Kieft)
2:45 - 3:00: Break
3:00 – 4:00: Discussion of next steps in shared print archiving. (Rick Lugg)
What are the three thing(s) you will do after the preconference? What ideas and strategies will you take home and act on? Whom will you talk to when you get back home? What can people in this community do together? How will shared print archiving affect the work of acquisitions, serials, cataloging, and collections? What contributions can these professional sectors make to the shared print archiving movement, and what are the implications for professional development in these sectors?